I everyone , this morning on BBC I saw person who had this awful disease , but the person who they interviewed was wheelchair bound but the upper body was ok and he could speak normal ,but it highlighted that it strikes people differently even though the ending is the same , and he showed like us on here he wanted to share and help others like him which I thought was brilliant . Clive x
M.N.D.: I everyone , this morning on BBC I saw... - Neuro Support

I admire anyone that is prepared to give advice and help others... We are all diifferent but any tips for anyone else suffering from a certain ailment are always appreciated!
I was killed by a car in 1994 and decided to write a book about my massive head injury. It was written to bring hope where there is only despair.
Looking forward to hearing more details!
Join me on Twitter/have a look at my Facebook page/you could see my website, but it's unfinished/check out my book's Amazon page - am I allowed to leave a link? Oh! Here is the blurb on the back of the book...
The author takes us on a shadowy flight into a dangerous world - a world where death overtook him and yet, somehow, he cheated it. This is the amazing and miraculous story of a young man who went up against the odds to claw his way back to normality.
From A Levels to a party in celebration of his continuing life, through his work with horses and time spent at three hospitals - straight across the brink of his own existence – Philip Watling’s true account takes us down paths we wouldn’t normally wish to follow and into places we never knew existed. This harrowing tale of life and death transcends everyday living and defies the imagination.
With humour and mysticism throughout, this thought-provoking book teaches us the value of the one life we are given, and will help light our way towards survival after experiencing a traumatic event.
Hi Philip,
Sounds interesting and look forward to receiving a link if you are able to do so.
I'm also on Facebook and Twitter and run my own inspirational page for epilepsy. Have a wonderful day (facebook.com/EpilepsyMotive...
I guess links are allowed. My book's Amazon page is ow.ly/DKc3l
I look normal (normal ish LOL). Then I open my mouth and something isn't quite right... Many judge, very quickly. Wait and you'll realise that I am very intelligent (I don't wish to brag) even though some brain connections are a little faulty. Sadly that is often too late