When the Specialists direct you to them as NHS not Testing in A&E & Primary Care why is it Profs who say it is not their remit to see hospital appts relating to Urodynamics & spinal spasticity & disability are referred & transferred .Do they have a conflict of interest in what Researching?
When sepsis appears to relate why is it I cannot get an appt that is not back to square one all the time.Already had to go privately due to negligence for examination & testing .
When paid for expensive MRI privately it showed NHS had neglected 3 disc prolapses , sacral joint deterioration nerve compression causing temporary kyphosis relating to specific targeting.
GPs then pretended RNOH didn't want to know when criteria specify when temporary spasms urgent ? Then gave me at local hospital steroid injections which have to have with sedation.This was 5 years ago when underlying disability spina bifida found in 1969 with abnormal EEG deliberately ignored & not edited in online record.They agreed to renew & research yet not happened yet again there is deliberate delay by the joke which is Fast Tracking?