Midwife booking in app: Hi just... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Midwife booking in app

15 Replies

Hi just wondering if midwife booking in apps has changed due to covid uk. Have you still gone into your dr surgery? Or other?

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15 Replies
cmbxm profile image

Mine was done over the phone, didn’t see a midwife face to face til 16 weeks but I know some people that haven’t seen a midwife til 24 weeks face to face xx

in reply to cmbxm

Thanks for the reply, I have had multiple mc so I’m going to try to contact the epu at hospital first for scans at 6w I didn’t want to do another booking in early if it’s not viable again.

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to

Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you darling 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 xx

Major2116 profile image

I've seen my midwife in the surgery for the whole of covid xx

Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy really happy for you ❤️

My drs surgery gave me a number for the maternity department & they took my details & arranged a midwife to call me. I did the form questions over the phone & the midwife booked me to see her in person at my drs surgery to check my weight, urine, blood pressure & do blood tests, sent scan referral off and made individual decisions on my pregnancy care. I have 2 dr surgeries that are linked but due to COVID19 have dedicated 1 dr surgery to pregnant women & young children for vaccinations etc. I had my booking appointment at 10 weeks & dating scan at 12 weeks 5 days ( which was much quicker than I was expecting!) My husband wasn’t allowed to attend dating scan which was tough- but has been told he is only allowed to the 20 week scan ( unless things get worse with COVID19 🤞🏻) we have decided to do private gender scan ( now we know all is okay & in case by the 20 week scan he isn’t allowed to attend) all areas will have different guidelines but your midwife will be able to advise you on your hospital protocol during COVID19.

All the best with your pregnancy xxx

Toffeelady123 profile image

Good Morning. I went into the surgery for my booking in appointment at 8 weeks. It wasn't a long appointment but they were keen to see me face to face to get bloods, urine, weight etc done.

They then delayed the 16 week appointment to 18 weeks due to covid.

All the best with your pregnancy x

TheSeal profile image

I am 20 weeks and never seen my midwife, only over the phone. It depends I think where you live, what are the restrictions in your county etc.

in reply to TheSeal

Yeah looks like it’s different for every surgery, thanks x

helsbels_2016 profile image

Hey! I think I've seen you over on the fertility support page? Many congratulations on your pregnancy 😊

I'm in a similar situation at the moment, I've got a booking appointment on 27th and it's at my local doctors surgery (there are 2 that are linked between 2 villages). I was told when I phoned the maternity unit at the hospital to make the appointment, it depends on your specific postcode as to whether you'll have a face to face appointment with a midwife or a telephone call.

Not sure if my husband will be allowed in with me or not though, guessing I'll get a letter soon 🤞🏼

Take care x

in reply to helsbels_2016

Oh Hi yes I am on the fertility pg aswel, I haven’t posted on there I’m pregnant I haven’t told anyone yet just waiting to see what happens in the next few weeks.

I very much doubt husband’s will be allowed in your booking in they’re not really needed for anything it’s mostly about u I actually think there prefer u to come alone they like to speak to u privately about any domestic abuse and other prev pregnancies drug use Sti etc some couples might not have discussed together etc just makes it easier.

Congratulations on your pregnancy how many weeks are u ?

helsbels_2016 profile image
helsbels_2016 in reply to

Hey! No I haven't posted on there either as I'm not sure if it's appropriate or not? If you know what I mean?

Ours is all very overwhelming as we never thought a natural pregnancy was at all possible due to our circumstances. We're completely over the moon after nearly 5 years TTC, lots of fertility treatment and no previous pregnancies, but the worrying and anxiety is growing by the minute!

Ah OK, that makes complete sense now you've said it, thank you.

I'm 5 weeks and 2 days today 🤞🏼How far along are you? Hope you're feeling OK x

in reply to helsbels_2016

Aww congratulations I hope everything goes well for you!

Yeah I mean most are struggling with ivf etc sometimes I don’t feel I’m in the same boat as I’ve got kids already been ttc 3 years 3 mmc & 2 chemicals, I’m 40 now I’m actually amazed as I didn’t think I’d get pregnant ever again and with fertility clinic not giving me any treatment options I had given up. I’m 5w today I’m lying in bed thinking about the scan which I’m hoping to get booked in for 6w I’m petrified really of another “sorry there’s nothing” or “baby has no heartbeat” and I’ll be alone then have to come out and tell him the outcome. I’m preparing for the worst but praying all will be good.

Other than that a feel fine how are you feeling?

helsbels_2016 profile image
helsbels_2016 in reply to

Thank you so much 😊

Ow I really hope you can get an early reassurance scan booked given what you've been through. I can only imagine how hard it's been, especially as you've not been offered any treatment options!

I will be saying my prayers for you that everything continues well.

I'm feeling ok, very tired and ever so slightly nauseous every now and then. I've had sore boobs since before I took my first test but that is starting to calm down....which is actually worrying me a bit. Actually, everything is worrying me. I won't lie!!

How are you feeling generally? X

Oh just seen this, excellent news congrats, keeping everything crossed for you, you've really been through it, you must feel very anxious , really hope you are okay

in reply to

Hi thank you, I’m fine yes but anxious I want to be positive but with my record I don’t want to think too far ahead even tho all I can think about now is baby lol x

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