Shoulder dystocia birth: Hi ladies, My... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Shoulder dystocia birth

Chanelle29 profile image
6 Replies

Hi ladies,

My first birth 5.5 years ago was extremely painful because of shoulder dystocia. I had gas and air throughout contractions but I was told to lay off the gas and air while I was pushing. I remember shouting in pain that baby couldn't fit. I was doing all the necessary pushing at the right times but after part of her head was out the shoulder was caught on my pelvic bone. It felt like forever and oh the pain, I remember every single bit of it. The pushing stage was roughly just over 2 hours for me which isnt unusual. Labour was roughly 13 hours and I hated it all. Im a pretty relaxed person and Id say I'm good with pain but nothing could of prepared me for those contractions and birth. I was exhausted and I just couldnt relax. I was in the pool, out the pool because I puked up. Back in the pool after they cleaned it out, out again. Walking around, on the bed layed on my back, on my side, on all fours, to on my back again for birth.

So birth is happening and the emergency button was pressed and 3 or 4 extra staff entered and quickly pushed my legs up, knees to my chest, and they pulled baby out with one push from me at the same time. Baby was out but I thought she hadnt made it. It all happened so quick and I wasnt being told anything when they didnt give her to me straight away. I actually never got an explanation to what had happened during birth. I found the info 'shoulder dystocia' on my notes.

This time round I've had to see a consultant and he explained my birth in detail to me because I should of got an explanation. When he explained it to me I got a bit teary. As it was an upsetting and traumatising for me. I also have a slight prolapse, sex isnt the same and I bleed most times after sex. He had a look at me and would like me to have a colposcopy during my pregnancy. My smear last year came back hpv positive but low risk and no treatment etc. Ive also been offered to have a planned csection or if i give birth vaginally it will be on consultant led unit.

I have should have an appointment with a birthing midwife to discuss my options and go from there. I feel really anxious about giving birth again, I try to brush it off but I am scared! The Csection is always worrying too as its major surgery, the recovery time, stay in hospital and possoble risks.

Whats everyones thoughts? Have you had a shoulder dystocia birth? Have you given birth on consultant led, what was different? Have you had a csesction, what was your experience?

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Chanelle29 profile image
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6 Replies
HollyT7 profile image

Hey Chaneelle, sorry for I was consultant led due it being ivf and they induced me as they thought he was a big baby. It just meant more scans for me to be honest which was nice as I was quite anxious overall. Was your little one a big baby? xxx

Chanelle29 profile image
Chanelle29 in reply to HollyT7

No 7.8lbs!

Prosopon profile image

Hi, sorry to hear you had a traumatic birthing experience. I was told that I was at risk of shoulder dystocia happening and was advised to have an induced labour on a consultant-led unit. I was upset about this as I really wanted to give birth naturally at the midwife-led birthing centre, but I went along with the advice. I found the induction process very stressful and I hated the hospital environment, but I felt safe and looked after by the staff. Unfortunately my induction failed and I had to have an emergency c-section. This was scary, but again I felt looked after and had a lot of confidence in the staff. I actually had a really quick and easy recovery from my c-section but I'm not going to lie, the first few days afterwards were horrendous. I was in so much pain, could not sit up without help and could not lift my baby. After about 3-4 days I felt a lot better, could move around more easily and was able to lift my child. I started driving again after just 3 weeks as I felt completely back to normal. However, I have a friend who also had a c-section and her recovery was much slower. A couple of things that really upset me about my c-section are that I was not the first person to hold my baby, and also our skin-to-skin contact was delayed. I was actually allowed to have skin-to-skin straight away but I was very shaky and worried about dropping the baby, so my partner held him close to me instead.

Anyway, I hope some of this was helpful. I hope you get a better experience this time around, whether you choose a c-section or not.

Annh17 profile image

Sorry to hear about your birth.

When I was pregnant my LG was measuring large, so I was having growth scans and consultant led. I know I would of had high chance being induced due to large baby, but on my last scan at 36+5 estimate weight 8lb1 they advised me c section was safest way to deliver for me and baby. I was told baby will be 10-12lb

I was devastated but I had to keep telling myself, it’s the safest way.

3 weeks later, we went in for our planned c section- the whole procedure was absolutely fine, nothing too worry about. I was in good hands and felt safe.

My LG wasn’t large at all 8.8, the recovery i found okay, was in hospital for 1 night, at home I found hard as I was red to do things. But i literally rested for 2 weeks, then gradually done little bits.

If you want any information, please message me, I would love to help x

Chanelle29 profile image
Chanelle29 in reply to Annh17

Thank you Annh17 x

Sorry to hear about your birth. I ended up having an emergency c section as she just wasn’t coming out (she was 10lb 1oz).

Honestly I was terrified of the thought of c section but it was fine. For me it was painful for the first few days then it was uncomfortable. I was still up washing and sterilising bottles etc and walked into town on day 4 and felt basically back to normal by 2 weeks. Obviously everyone is different but just giving a positive story as you don’t hear or read many. Good luck xx

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