Poorly baby girl 🥺: Hi 👋🏻 Since... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Poorly baby girl 🥺

Tugsgirl profile image
25 Replies

Hi 👋🏻 Since yesterday late morning my 9 month old baby girl has been under the weather. There’s a noticeable change in her behaviour. She’s usually a very smiley and wriggly little girl. Full of babble. A real cheeky bright little monkey. Yesterday she grizzled all day, pretty much, and today she has gotten upset over nothing, just bursting into tears randomly. She’s not doing as much in the way of babbling. She isn’t clapping. Attempting to sign. She’s hardly smiled. She seems subdued. More clingy. More tired. She’s just not herself! Yesterday afternoon she had a temperature of 38.3c so I rang my GP who said to just keep an eye on her. She’s also nursing more. Although she ate ok yesterday and this lunch time, she barely touched her dinner this evening but did have her usual pudding (a large orange cut into segments). Her head didn’t seem so hot today so I didn’t take her temperature but within the last hour she felt hot again (after a crying episode) and her temperature was 38c. I’ve given her Calpol again. She’s now asleep. She’s usually asleep around this time. She doesn’t have any other suspicious symptoms. She’s doing wet and dirty nappies. But she’s just so unhappy 🥺 What could be wrong with my baby girl? 🥺 Any ideas?

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Tugsgirl profile image
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25 Replies
Missy_22 profile image

Teething? It’s normally the cause for most things. Bless her heart x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Missy_22

I thought so but apparently it’s not true that teething causes a high temperature although many parents believe it does xx

Could just be a virus. Keep topping up with calpol and if she’s the right age ibuprofen in between as well. Horrible when they have theses phases. We had one before Christmas and it does make you worry. If she has the temp for 5 days ring the GP back xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Ok I will do. What was the cause of your little one’s episode? xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

No idea. Just one of those things apparently xx

vonny27 profile image

It could be teething hun her cheeks are rosy. I'd keep an eye on her and if after a couple of days if not change I'd phone doctor back. See what they say.

Bless she's a cutie. Get well soon. Xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to vonny27

Perhaps I should phone back.. xx

vonny27 profile image
vonny27 in reply to Tugsgirl

If there is no change hun I'd definitely phone back just for peace of mind. X

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Ooh that's a grumpy face!! Poor little sausage, hope she's feeling better soon xxx

Oh no. Poor wee one and poor you. Hope she is better soon. Angus goes off his solids when he is teething and the rosy cheeks are definitely a sign. X

forMoira profile image
forMoira in reply to

So nice to see you here Camillage and hear about little angus.

Sorry to hear Mary isn’t well it’s awful when they’re ill. I was going to say minus the raised temperature) what you’ve described sounds how my Francesca is when she is teething. Teething can make them feel very miserable. ☹️ I hope Mary is feeling better soon xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

She’s still not happy today sadly. And she had a bad night last night. She got really really hot at one point. I was so worried. I gave her Calpol and settled her down eventually xx

Willow2016 profile image

My daughter is 9 months old and is teething she hasn't got a temperature but has rosy cheeks and not eating much and is very grumpy, when she crys she does get hot too.. So it is probably teething.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Willow2016

Thank you. Mary’s been teething on and off since 3 months I’d say and never acted like this. She gets rosy cheeks a lot. Especially straight after nursing. She had a bad night. And she was so hot! xx

Willow2016 profile image
Willow2016 in reply to Tugsgirl

Awwww bless her, if it helps caseys top teeth are coming through and she's bad on them when her bottom ones came she wasn't grumpy like she is now and not eating much and she loves her food lol xx

Rainbowhope profile image

Oh I'm so sorry that shes ill. Hoping she gets better soon. X

Amandaholland85 profile image

Hi tugsgirl

I have a 9 month old and when she is like that it's a uti infection my little girl has a duplicate kidney and is on antibiotic from 13 weeks old to try and stop infection has hur pee changed in smell or has the colour changed if she has a temperature of 38 then is a infection of value i would get hur check out x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Amandaholland85

Her urine output seems normal to me and I haven’t noticed a difference in odour. GP had mentioned doing a urine sample if she didn’t improve in 4-5 days. God knows how you’re supposed to get that? xx

Amandaholland85 profile image
Amandaholland85 in reply to Tugsgirl

I find if I leve my little girl on hur changing mat and no nappy and give hur a bottle and just sit and wait and try and catch it in the bowl it might take a few gos to get a good amount but u have to be fast lol best for Luck x

Noobs profile image

Aw sorry to hear Mary is under the weather. We had a poorly boy a few months back where his temp was between 38 and 39. He wasn’t eating much and was clingy and generally miserable. We took his temp before calpol, then about an hour after and realised it wasn’t bringing it down so we ended up at the doctors. This was after a couple of days of monitoring him. He had tonsillitis. On saying that he’s grumpy when teeth are coming through but doesn’t have a temp. Hope she feels better soon.x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Noobs

Thanks Noobs. I’m not sure what to think now. I know this isn’t just teething. I know my little girl and I know she’s not well. I’m monitoring her and giving Calpol every 4-6 hours at the moment xx

Noobs profile image
Noobs in reply to Tugsgirl

It’s all you can do at the moment but go with your gut feeling as you know your girl best. Fingers crossed she starts to feel better soon.xx

Sugar1389f profile image

Sounds like teething to me and not to be rude but Only use calpol if really necessary it shouldn’t be given lightly few people on here telling you to dose your child up on man made medicine the only way for a child or adult to build immunity too illness and natural body pain is to fight it naturally by giving medicines it not only slows down the process of getting over an illness it shuts down what your body does naturally and weaken the immunity in the future you’ll find yourself being a long life customer for calpol not only that the ingredients in calpol are really not great 😩 please do your research I done I wasn’t always this researching for years mum but when you do dig a little deeper you will see for yourself x

forMoira profile image

I hope your wee girl is a bit better.

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