Freaking out : Just wanted to see if... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Freaking out

ffsjes profile image
18 Replies

Just wanted to see if anyone had any advice, now before anyone says I know I need to see a doctor, I just want advice and any experiences and what not.

Also I know I shouldn’t self diagnose but here it goes...

Considering my last period was the 30th March TIL 8th April, I’ve been googling things etc and I’m pretty sure I’ve got PCOS. I know I’d need to go the doctors to confirm it and what not but I just wondered what this means exactly.

How do they test for PCOS?

Can you still have kids naturally?

Can it be treated?

Can you have medicines to help it?

Can you have medicine to help get pregnant?

If so get pregnant do they always end up in miscarriages?

All sorts of questions like that, are constantly running through my mind!

I was too nervous to go to the doctors when my period didn’t show, now it’s here I’m happy. But that lasted all of 3 days as now I’m panicking that I have PCOS?!

All I want is my own little family 😢

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18 Replies

I was diagnosed with PCOS. However I hardly had any symptoms. I did have weird periods some were 28 days and some up to 60 days. I found I had put weight on and I couldn’t shift it as well but I wasn’t typical PCOS.

My doctor was really reluctant to test me because of that and it was only when I went back for fertility testing after 2 years my results came back suggesting I had it. I then went on to have an ultrasound scan and this also confirmed it. I had to fight to get prescribed metformin to see if this would help me conceive as I had read it can help however it didn’t work. I think some women can get pregnant naturally though. We had IVF but they said my PCOS was mild so was not the reason for not getting pregnant although my consultant still wanted me to carry on with the metformin. We did have a miscarriage after the first try but it doesn’t mean the PCOS was the cause but now we have a 5 month old baby via IVF.

Hopefully if you go to the doctors and explain your worries they will be able to test you a bit sooner than I was xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to

Thank you for the advice hun! I’m just stuck with what to do, I wouldn’t even know where to go from being diagnosed with pcos (if I was tested positive for it) like I’ve read so many stories that it causes woman to misscarry or not even able to conceive and I’m just so scared now and finding that I’m worrying 24/7 about it! My periods had been normal but very heavy in my early teens and painful so went on the pill. Then I came off in October and had periods every month up until March, 30th March TIL 8th April then hadn’t had one up until 24th July and came off on 29th, so I don’t know if that is the cause or could just mistakenly self diagnosed with that like. I have gained weight tho and can’t shift it and I have noticed small hairs on my stomach which was never there before. All which are signs, as well as the period stopping for no apparent reason. I just really hope to god I haven’t got it. I don’t know how I’ll cope really if I have. xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to ffsjes

I also have a horrible pain sometimes in the bottom right side of my back, sometimes it can be my left tho but not took note of whether I was on my period or due on or what because I didn’t really put it down to anything like that. I put it down to the heavy babies I pick up at work (baby unit nursery nurse) and we have 24/25 babies so I’m doing at LEAST 25 nappies all in one go xx

in reply to ffsjes

First of all I would definitely get booked in at the doctors and explain your worries and ask if they can test for it. Try not to get worked up about it until you have a diagnosis you don’t want to give yourself more stress if it’s not needed. With the right help and treatment there should be no reason why you can’t conceive. I was still ovulating with my PCOS as they tested for that so that’s why it was mild and went straight for IVF but if you aren’t ovulating they sometimes try something called clomid first.

It’s horrible not knowing what’s going on but if you start off popping to the doctors to get the ball rolling it will make you feel so much better xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to

Yeah I’m definitely going to go! Just gotta pluck up the courage. The sooner I do it the better it will be for myself anyway just gotta stop being a chicken haha🤦🏻‍♀️ at least it was good you was ovulating still! I must’ve been ovulating as before my period stopped I was tracking ovulation and I was getting positives! So I guess there’s hope. Thank you hun! Feel a little better now xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to ffsjes

I also have a horrible pain sometimes in the bottom right side of my back, sometimes it can be my left tho but not took note of whether I was on my period or due on or what because I didn’t really put it down to anything like that. I put it down to the heavy babies I pick up at work (baby unit nursery nurse) and we have 24/25 babies so I’m doing at LEAST 25 nappies all in one go xx

in reply to ffsjes

It is horrible taking that first step as your worried they will find something that explains not getting pregnant but it’s also worrying if they don’t find something because then your left wondering why your not getting pregnant if nothing is wrong. It’s such a viscous circle!

Blimey 25 nappies! I find it back breaking doing one every few hours xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to

It really is! It’s horrible either way 🤦🏻‍♀️ and yes 25 nappies lmao! By the time I’ve done all 25 too, takes me around 25/30 minutes, they all start pooing again 🤦🏻‍♀️😂xx

in reply to ffsjes

😂 oh god what a nightmare. Don’t think I could change someone else’s child’s pooey nappy. My own child’s is gross enough sometimes 😂 xx

JNDuce12-13 profile image

I have PCOS and I had 2 babies naturally, currently can’t have one as I’ve developed scar tissue around my ovaries which means I’d need them drilling to release an egg. I don’t reallt have symptoms other that previously no periods, they have started naturally again.

I’ve always been offered birth control to regulate periods, recently given metformin to stop any other symptoms. (Stopped taking it as it make me feel sick all the time)

From what I was led to believe and from experience, weight management is the best way to manage it, I was fertile and regular period wise when I was slimmer, as times gone on and my weights gone up, that’s when the issues have started for me.

I have blood tests and a ultrasound scan to diagnose my PCOS.

Go to the docs so that they can check it all out.

Good luck x

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to JNDuce12-13

That’s such positive news, kinda needed it tbf so thank you so much. I’m going to try and book an appointment on Tuesday - shall I just say I think I have pcos and list all my symptoms? And thank you x

Hopful85 profile image

Hey two of my friends have PCOS and both have two healthy children each. No IVF! Good luck hun! xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to Hopful85

It’s such a relief, all I ever hear is such negative stories linked with PCOS, so I’m scared to find out if I have got it or if it’s worse than that. Hopefully not though, thank you for the support hun!xx

Hopful85 profile image
Hopful85 in reply to ffsjes

You’ll be fine. The best thing I think is getting checked out and then being able to act on it. Don’t be scared.

I know it’s not the same but another friend of mine has announced she’s pregnant and she has a tilted womb (prob not the medical term?) so was told it’d be difficult. Doctors aren’t always right xx

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to Hopful85

Yeah that’s what I need to do definitely, just I always heard about PCOS but never really knew what it entailed, but looking at symptoms I do have some of them so hence why I keep panicking but it won’t help and nothing will sort it unless I go the doctors.

Oh wow, that’s brilliant! (Not having that condition but becoming pregnant obviously) I guess they aren’t always right!

Thank you so much hun, give me some hope xx

Hopful85 profile image
Hopful85 in reply to ffsjes

I have everything crossed for you Hun xxx

nicmac93 profile image

Not my story but my friends, she has PCOS and suffered an early miscarriage aroudn this time last year I think (at 7 weeks). But now she's pregnant again, and due in October! :) All natural and no medical intervention.

Don't worry! Where there's a will, there's always a way x

ffsjes profile image
ffsjes in reply to nicmac93

Thank you! Gave me some positivity! X

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