My boy is here, and has been almost 4... - Pregnancy and Par...

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My boy is here, and has been almost 4weeks already :D

jubbly profile image
8 Replies

So, in my experience, being induced didn't work. I went in hospital to be induced on the 17th October, at 39 week's, I was being induced due to gestational diabetes.

Things started well, within 2 hours I had a heavy show! But that was it! Friday, it was the gels turn to get me started! Had a few contractions but that was it!

Saturday, same again...but nothing! By tea time, the doctor was assessing me to see if I could have a 3rd gel....which ended up being the decision.

By late evening I was having stronger contractions, but by bed time they had died down. The decision was taken that I would be put on the hormone drip on the Sunday morning! They would have done it that night, but the central delivery suite was busy from what I hear!

Then, through the night, the lady next to me got whisked off as her baby was showing signs of distress! She had been in for days too.

I managed to get a couple of hours that night, and by 8am, I was in the central delivery suite! I hated getting the drip put in! I still have a scar!

Within an hour, I lost my mucus plug! Then after that, the contractions started getting stronger and stronger! By tea time, gas and air was my best friend! I was 5cm! The drip had been stopped and started all day as baby was showing signs of distress at times! Contractions just got worse after tea time! By 8pm I was given an epidural! I kept hearing the doctors and midwives muttering, but was in so much pain, I didn't care!

I was examined by about 11pm and was told I was still only 5cms!

I'm not stupid, I knew what this meant!

All of a sudden, a consent form was staring at me! My mother, who was my birth partner, popped out to get a tea, and when she returned, I said, between contractions, that she better be prepared to scrub up!

In a way, I felt fearless at this point. I had come to terms with the thought of a c section through my pregnancy. At 20 week's, I had a low lying placenta, which corrected its self by 32 week's, but then it was discovered I had gestational diabetes, and the thought of having a huge baby made me think about the possibility of a c section!

When I got whisked off to theatre, it was all a blur! We arrived in theatre at 11.57, I sat there for what felt like forever, getting the spinal! But it worked! I couldn't feel a thing!

I was told "u might feel some tugging". That was such a strange feeling! The next thing I hear is "your baby is here!" and they showed me his face and at that second, he started crying! I told my mum it was the best sound ever! I wanted to hold him, buy I still needed to be stitched up! They cleaned him off and handed him to my mother! She was beaming! When I was stitched up and ready to for recovery, baby Thomas was handed to me! I couldn't believe he was on my arms! in recovery, he had his first feed! I asked my mother to go outside and get my partner! My partner says that when he walked in to see Thomas, seeing him feed and me holding him, it looked so natural and almost animal!

I wasn't in recovery long. I was wheeled to the maternity ward, and my man come along for a little while! By the time he left, it was about 4am! I didn't get any sleep that night, I just wanted to stare at my little man!

By the next morning, I was feeling a bit grotty and uncomfortable. I couldn't move for a shower, I still couldn't feel much of my legs! I was given a bed bath...Which I hated! Later on that day, I was encouraged to try and get up for a shower: scariest shower ever! And it took me ages to get across the hall to the shower room! I shuffled! So by the Wednesday I could walk about and look after myself, I was sent home with my little man! Tell u what, daddy was happy we were coming home, he was going out his mind! I was still achey and couldn't do much, but was so happy to finally be leaving! Anyways, very lengthy post, and this is the short version! So, sorry for blabbing on! Thomas was 7lbs 8.5oz! Which I though was brilliant since I had gd! In fact, he was one of the smallest on the ward! He's putting on weight now tho! He's looking very healthy :) anyways, let's try and wrap this up again! Induction personally didn't work for me. My scar is healing now! It just looks like I've wore very tight underwear. It still hurts at times, and feels sort of tingly, but it's getting better each day! I love how I got the scar, and wouldn't change a thing! Sorry for any typing errors, typed this on my phone!

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jubbly profile image
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8 Replies
2princes1princess profile image

Awwwww that's lovely news congratulations hun x and welcome to the world Thomas xx

Dozymum profile image

Well done you and congratulations. Hope you and Thomas are doing well x

dort profile image

Congrats :-)

lady123 profile image

Congratulations. I a early crying ...

missmancs29 profile image

Congratulations x. Sounds like you want through the mill a bit! At least you're home now and can enjoy your baby. Welcome to baby Thomss x

Envgirl profile image

Lovely story and a very proud mummy! Welcome Thomas and glad everything ended well, what a story! You will enjoy repelling that when he is 18 ;-) x

jubbly profile image

Aren't these posts nice to look back on :) a lot come flooding back! Seems like so long ago....

in reply to jubbly

I'm coming off this forum now, just gona dip in now and then. Looked at all my posts and realised they are like a little diary of the end of my pregnancy and the birth, I copied and pasted them to keep :-) (not the replies just the posts...would've taken forever!)

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