First midwife appointment : Hi, I have... - Pregnancy and Par...

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First midwife appointment

9 Replies


I have just found out I am pregnant and only about 4 weeks. I went to doctors today where they booked me in to see a midwife next week. Just wandering what to expect, first baby and no idea!

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9 Replies


Unfortunately the first midwife appt is a little boring in my opinion - exciting as its the first of many but boring in that its mostly form filling.

Where I am here it's known as a 'booking appt' as essentially they're just registering you and your pregnancy.

They should also weigh you, take blood pressure and test a urine sample (I think).

Good luck for your appt and the rest of your pregnancy!

Beanymo profile image

Congrats! In my experience it was quite a long appointment, but my midwife went through lots of information, gave me information & my bounty pack, discussed family history and set up etc. The midwife visited me at home for the first appointment, so took a urine sample away with her - no blood pressure or weight check until my 12 week appt - but every area is different. I was quite excited about the appointment as its my first too and had no clue what to expect - but it is long and occasionally boring ;) lol

I hope it all goes well for you :) xx

Thanks! Was quite surprised to have an appointment so soon really. Still feel a bit like it is all a dream! Keep thinking I have made it up although 2 tests have been positive!

Beanymo profile image
Beanymo in reply to

Haha, exactly the same this end, quick appointment and disbelief - then the wait for the 12 week scan....I wanted to just keep doing tests to make sure I was pregnant. I was really lucky and had no morning sickness, just felt like I had a hangover for a few weeks and just thought I'd made it up too :) x

Congrats. .Welcome aboard the pregnancy roller coaster. My first appt was just form filling and a kind of getting to kno u appt, I am lucky to have had same midwife all way through but I kno thts not the case for everyone. Just filling in forms, they weigh u, blood pressure and thts about, if u have any questions, write them down to take because u wont remember everything when ur there but the further u get the better the appointments get, I hav my 36 week one tomorrow and although it sounds a long way off now it will b here in a flash. Take care and rest xx

in reply to

Well I hope the 12 week scan comes quick so I can see my baby, these early weeks are hard and I have only know for a few days! Good luck with your scan tomorrow x

Dante101 profile image

Hi there, congrats to you ;-) I had a midwife appt at 5 weeks, it was a short appointment just registering my details and giving me contact numbers etc, then had booking appointment at 10 weeks which was an hour they give you your folder which you take with you to each appointment and scan It contains all your details and they can record things in it. Every place is different I think so you may have your booking appointment now or wait til a bit later. Good luck :-)

moy-doula profile image

Hi & congratulations :0) I agree with Dante 101 in that this may be a fairly brief appointment with the longer 'booking appointment' normally occurring at around 10-12 weeks, At the booking appointment there is a great deal of information to be gathered so it is just as well to be prepared in advance (& to take a snack, drink & reading material with you as there can sometimes be a fair bit of hanging about) what medical staff need to know falls into brackets: Your current health status: checked by blood pressure, BMI, urine test (infection, sugar & proteins) & blood tests (blood group & rhesus factor, Hb (iron) & clotting factors, immunity to rubella, chickenpox, Hep B, Sickle cell/Thalasaemia etc and optional screening for Syphilis & HIV) they will ask about any pre-existing medical conditions, any medications you might be taking (including folic acid for 12 weeks before & after conception), your family's medical history (heart attacks, diabetes etc) & whether you have ever had a blood transfusion, if you are ok with having a blood transfusion if in an emergency, your 'obstetric history' any previous pregnancies/births any history of babies with congenital birth defects in your immediate family, if you and your partner are blood relatives and any history of mental health problems- all things that could have an impact on your & your baby's health during pregnancy, They will also inquire into your & (if relevant) your partner's social circumstances including support networks, smoking, drinking, recreational drug use, diet & exercise, and domestic violence, & offer advice and support as appropriate (including NHS choices 'your pregnancy & baby' website - a great all round general information source).....its a lot of information but all helps establish your 'base line health status' & allows the best 'care pathway' to start you on & flags up any potential risks to be alert for. There may also be time for positive discussions around the benefits of breastfeeding & homebirth - always good to think positive & natural from the offset IMHO :0)

Wishing you much Joy x

Cris85 profile image

Congratulations tinster1!!! We are in very similar situation then!! I have just been to my first "midwife appointment this past saturday. To be honest Im not even yet sure if I saw a midwife or not. 3 different ladies dealt with me. One took my weight and height. Another one the blood test (such a lovely lady!! It was the first time ever I did blood tests and I was nervous. She was so good!!!). Then another lady just to go through paperwork which you will fill in as you wait.

Got my first scan booked in 3 weeks!!!

Good luck and please lets stay in touch and share experiences! As I am so lost...scared...excited! xx

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