"Now you see me, now you don't" or th... - Pregnancy and Par...

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"Now you see me, now you don't" or the adventures of a 19 weeks pregnant woman who fell in a manhole..

15 Replies

So here I was walking blissfully in the sun-kissed countryside when my pregnant brain failed to notice the temporary plastic lid covering a manhole and ...whoops! I disappeared in front of my husband's eyes. Thankfully he was there to pull me out but the shock was a bit too much for me. In a few minutes blue bruises down my leg, pain on my crotch, where I bashed myself on the way down, and pulled tummy muscles.

Despite no bleeding or contractions, I immediately went into panic mode. The emotional part of the brain took over and started thinking of the worse and ended up in the hospital. I am so hugely grateful to the maternal assessment staff who took me seriously and had me checked and thankfully both me and the "lil' reaper" (very unfortunate choice of nickname I know!) were found to be OK.

So lessons of the day: 1) look where you walk (dah!) 2) babies are super-protected, thanks to mother nature for over-engineering and 3) the hospital staff rock!

15 Replies
2princes1princess profile image

Omg! So glad you and bubs are fine!Bet you sore and bruised today and its lovely to hear the nhs get some praise :-) take care and no more falling down holes xxx

Oh No bet it was a big shock and bloody hurt! How Dangerous they should of had that coned off. .. glad ur ok though x

Neska profile image

Omg!!!what an adventure!my son would say :should've gone to specsavers lol. But i'm glad you ok apart from bruises and your little boy as well.mother nature is amazing for making sure our babys are well protected.:)

DrFluffy profile image

Hope you are ok!

I think that beats my slipping on a gherkin and falling down the escalators at St Paul's station episode :-)

Mother Nature is indeed amazing!

OMG!! Yes "good old" mother nature. We (pregnant mothers) do under-estimate how she really does protect our Lil ones.

Glad everything's okay. My baby brain is so terrible right now you've definetely shock me into action LOL!!

DrFluffy profile image

Sometimes she over protects them though! At 37/40 my LO really didn't fancy induction of labour... It's his EDD today :-)

in reply to DrFluffy

What is EDD? :-)

in reply to

Expected Date of Delivery


in reply to DrFluffy

Along with a Lil trace of "stubborn-ness" most likley inherited from dad dosen't help either LOL!

How's you're Lil one doing now, hope he's been given the all-clear after his jaudice episode the other day.


DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to

We're in hospital - Sammy is on iv antibiotics for presumed late onset group b strep sepsis. Mummy and Daddy were both allowed to stay last night, so mummy got some sleep :-)

in reply to DrFluffy

I am so sorry you have to go through this. Hang in there..

Looool! Oh I love how you wrote that! Made me giggle and yet concerned me greatly at the same time! I'm glad u and the bubba are ok!! :-)

I'm gona be watching my every step from now on lol

Nochok profile image

I needed a funny but also very serious anecdote on a Sunday morning after a terrible nights sleep xx I hope your feeling better and the bruises are going down ;-) xx

Flossy1688 profile image

hope your feeling better, i had a fall about 3 weeks ago, fell off a patio chair off the grass verge behind me and landed on the patio area, instinct kicked in and i covered my belly, had some very sore arms the next day, i agree, i went to be checked out at the hospital and there was a huge wait but to settle my nerves the midwife on duty followed me into the loo so i didnt sit there worrying, the lady that checked me over also dia a very good job and was very lovely, i too was very happy with the car i received

x x x

in reply to Flossy1688

Hi Flossy, I am so glad you and baby are well. Please take care! Our centre of gravity changes with the growing belly :-)

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