My birth 30.06.2013: The birth story... - Pregnancy and Par...

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My birth 30.06.2013

Allyemo1985 profile image
22 Replies

The birth story,starting midnight on the 30th. :-)

So I went in at 12midnight to be induced, pessary was put in at 1am and off I went to sleep. Woke around 3am to mild cramping but managed to sleep,until 6am. At 8.30am I was checked and was 2cm doctor decided to break my waters in the hope it would start things off. Wow never wish this on anyone with a cervix as far back as mine no gas and air either... Well it didn't I went straight to labour room and managed 4/5 hours with no pain relief and linked to syntocin... Only to find I was only 3cm... To which I'd had enough and asked for an epidural. The thought of another twelve hours with the pain was terrible. And epidural was the best thing I've ever decided to do. Baby had other plans at 3pm it still was very high up a d only 5cm the heartbeat kept dipping with contractions I was oblivious as I fell asleep to woke at 4am and told I was being checked I was now 7cm the game was on. A whole hour later and baby heart rate dipping dangerously low I was checked I was 9cm but now was the time to get baby out, doctor did her best to help baby past the last bit of cervix and applied a vontuse what felt like forever pushing and being aided from my tummy baby's head arrived at 5.24 and at 5.26pm with a huge knot in his cord out came my baby boy Louis weighing 6lb 6oz so so small yet long. Absolutely perfect in everyday and me and daddy relived it was over. The doctor was so concerned about the knot they were even preparing for an emergency section but I managed to push out saftley. After the placenta arrived I could finally relax I was cleaned up and gowned up and Louis immediately breast fed. So much so he's that content I sat writing this at 3am whilst he has slept for 4 hours. He's dreaming I think he's reliving his entry into the world bless him. So there. Is my story 3rd baby awesome pregnancy yet very slow labour with no progression without the painful drug syntocin. That stuff is lethal. my outlook no pain relief was to use gas and air I was certainly swayed dealing with such immense pain and boy what a huge relief it was epidural my new best friend well for the 30th June 2013 that is.

The outcome my beautiful baby boy head full of dark hair... Obviously why I had terrible heartburn. :-) weighing 6lb6oz head 34cm. So if there's a lesson to be learnt its don't reside yourself to using no pain relief when your hooked to syntocin because you never know how your body will cope.

Oh and hubby will defiantly get the snip noway I'm doing it again I'm done!

To the lovely ladies on NCT that have supported me throughout since October I salute you all, we as women go through so much in nine months and the support I've received has been taken greatly I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and encouragement. Without you all on a daily basis I don't know what ill do. I'm wishing you all the very best of luck god gives on the day of delivery thank you for reading my blogs they are all going into a diary to share with my kids when its their turn having children.

Lots of love allyemo1985 xxx

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Allyemo1985 profile image
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22 Replies
Flossy1688 profile image

Yay he is here, Congratulations to you and your family and welcome to the world Baby Luis x x x

Ah glad he is ok knot in the cord is a scary thing glad your all ok yes that syntocin is lethal stuff! Xx

seh303 profile image

ahhh that is lovely. Thanks for sharing and will take heed of your advice about the epidural! Congratulatiions :-) Xxx

laurah123 profile image

congratulations. glad everything went ok for you. and baby Luis is now in your arms. the wait is over. xx

Congratulations!! Looks like we had similar births! Xx

hols_13 profile image

Congrats!! Enjoy lots of baby cuddles with baby Luis.

Well done, it sounds like it was not an uneventful delivery!

I hope we still get updates now and again, we will miss you!

Sending lots of big hugs xXx

k44tew profile image

Hi Allyemo, been watching for your happy news! So glad that everything was alright in the end, despite a pretty dramatic birth! Well done you for pushing that gorgeous boy out, he's beautiful! Hope you are feeling well and getting some rest yourself. Will miss your lovely blogs so hope you will keep us posted from time to time if you get a minute!

Take care and congratulations!

Tracy xxx

Wooow!! Congrats and enjoy your new baby!!!xxxx

2princes1princess profile image

Yay!!!! A beautiful baby boy! Congratulations hun and a big well done xx

DrFluffy profile image

Awww! Congratulations! Welcome to the World, Louis! X

cheekymonkey3791 profile image

Congratulations to you both on the birth of your beautiful son...and thank you for the tips! All surly noted :) xx

p1ddh profile image

Big congrats! Glad all went well in the end!

lottiesmum profile image


maryamH profile image

A heartiest congratulations to you:)

And yhanks for the advice.

morganne profile image

Congratz on you're baby boy may you have a lovely time now

Allyemo1985 profile image

thankyou all for your kind comments. baby louis is doing well breast feeding well on and off through the day roughly every 3.5hours for good twenty minutes he realeases himself when hes had enough :-) my other two where shocked to see him and was expecting i think something like a two year old lol they are slowly coming round to the fact he simply eats sleeps and makes poey nappys he he. cannot take my eyes off of him im soo in love.. .

robson15 profile image

such lovely news. Thanks for your blogs over the last few months - have been really helpful. Enjoy your gorgeous new baby. :)

Envgirl profile image

Allyemo my husband and I are so pleased for you all! That is the best news! He is so handsome and you must be thrilled! Will update shortly but no baby yet! You look wonderful too, I hope I look that good! Great choice of name too! X

Allyemo1985 profile image
Allyemo1985 in reply to Envgirl

Thanks Hun look forward to reading your news. Take it all in your stride xx

ashy2005 profile image

wow what a great picture and story :) congrats on your beautiful baby boy :) xoxo

kimmy01 profile image

aww that's a great story, congrats on your new beautiful baby boy :)

both of yous take care & all the best for the future :) x

dinkydoona profile image

Congratulations hon, lovely story thanks for sharing xx

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