Listen to podcast discussion on Myositis, key messages and visions from the First Myositis con theference held in Stockholm, Sweden May 2015.
Listen to podcast discussion on Myositis, key messages and visions from the First Myositis con theference held in Stockholm, Sweden May 2015.
Jo. This article on Autoantibodies is just brilliant. Just the stuff we need to know about and to be reading. Thank you for posting it. Fantastic article. Mary
You might be interested in reading about Zoe Betteridge (the lady in the grey trousers 5th from the left). For many years Myositis UK have funded her work into autoantibodies. (oh that's me in the picture, 3rd from the left)
Hi Jo. An amazing article again. It's wonderful to read about Dr Betteridge and her work and to know someone out there is doing their best to help us. So many people I connect with mostly on the Ametican forums have never heard of Autoantibodies and have no idea how significant they can be to the diagnosis, treatment and management of this disease. I was lucky to be seen here in London by a rheumatologist who knew his stuff, hunted down my Anti Jo early on and hit it hard and fast. He is clever, kind and very caring, a credit to his calling and training, and a credit to our NHS. This site producing articles like this is going to make a huge difference to us all understanding Myositis. It's the first time we have had such a site in the UK. Our thanks to you Jo and to Dr Betteridge for her amazing work to help us all. Mary
Glad you enjoyed reading it Mary. Items such as this are posted on the Myositis UK facebook page and I do post information on the Myositis UK Community Forum, which sadly has been little used. I know you are not keen on facebook, but for a charity it is a good way to provide information and we now have over 1000 following the page.