I was sad to see that Terri Garr passed away this week. She was a great advocate for MS on our behalf. May she run in fields of wild flowers! Also, I am trying to get Provigil approved through my insurance. (Medicare) Has anyone else been approved for it by Medicare? Thanks in advance for your help. Love to all, Kelly
A couple things…: I was sad to see that... - My MSAA Community
A couple things…

May she rest in peace, Amore55 🙏
No Provigil for me. Hopefully someone can help you!
My prescriptions are covered by my husband's insurance, and they didn't cover modafinil. I don't take it anymore, but at the time (ten years ago?) I was able to buy it at a discount pharmacy for around $35 a month. I hope Medicare will cover it for you, though!
I was sad to hear about Terri Garr, too. She was a great actress, and she seemed like a lovely woman.
On a personal level, it was a bit of a jolt to hear that she died from complications of MS. I know that it happens, and also that everyone is different, etc. Ms. Garr lived to be 79, which is not bad. We all have to die from something! But it's sad to be reminded that MS does claim lives sometimes. 😢
Someone told me she had MS for only 20yrs!!! Yikes 😱. She actually died from Cancer. MS doesn’t kill , secondary infections can be deadly.
The news reports are all saying the reason was MS, but I thought the same thing as you.
I get a little concerned when someone says that because I personally don’t agree that ‘ms’ is a reason or cause for someone’s demise, Amore55
It wasn't my intention to upset anyone, particularly on a site dedicated to people with MS and their families. It's my understanding that most people with MS die WITH MS and not FROM MS.
Sadly, however, there are cases in which people with advanced MS can die from it. My sister-in-law, who was a wonderful woman, died from MS after being bedridden for twenty years. When she as diagnosed, there were no DMTs available.
Aaron Boster did a video on the topic. I think he did a good job with such a sensitive topic, but of course if anyone would rather not hear more about it, they should refrain from watching it. He does mention things that patients and families can watch for to help prevent some of these outcomes.
Yes, she was! I'm sad also.
I have not tried to get provigil on Medicare. I did take provigil before I went on Medicare but it didn’t work for me.
I am so sad about Teri Garr!
Hi Kelly 🙂
Sorry can’t help you with the later.