Enjoy family, friends and the people who give you joy; like our wonderful "extended Community Family of friends.". Peace and Blessings. NeeC
Blessings to All During this Joyous Time... - My MSAA Community
Blessings to All During this Joyous Time; Happy Hanukkah and Seasons Greetings β€οΈππ
Happy Hanukkah GratefulNeeC ! π€ππ
Happy holidays to you also!
Good Afternoon Humbrd. I saw your post in the "insurance Shenanigans." I never took Aubagio; on Copaxone - but before I resolved some post COVID issues with my husband's job - The PAN Foundation covered my Co -Pay. The yearly Grant was about $6000.00 which helped tremendously. Website is: panfoundation.org and the number is: 866 316 7263. There's another organization called Health Well, they also provide pretty sizable grants and you can have (2) funding resources without restrictions. Praying for the best. NeeC
Thank you for the info. It's really great that some of these foundations help out with the co-pays. So glad that you were able to find somebody help pay for yours. With the generic my copay was only $14 so that was great. With the aubagio one to one Grant they gave me $18,000 a year which really helped but then my insurance company was penalizing me for staying with the brand name and even that amount of Grant wasn't enough. So I had no choice but to go to the generic. So far I haven't noticed a change.
Joyous Holiday greetings, GratefulNeeC π€