A beautiful morning the sun ☀️ is shining brightly 😉 Not much sleep last night but I’m up and moving slowly 🥱 Having first cup of coffee ☕️. Rozy is fed and happy she jammed her hip yesterday so she’s limping a little bit, poor girl. Been making my list of things to do over the next few days or week to stay busy. I like doing it as it seems rewarding when I accomplish each one 😉 Enjoy your weekend 🙏👍🏼
Little Laughter 😂 : A beautiful morning... - My MSAA Community
Little Laughter 😂

Hope your list comes together nicely. It’s nice to have some flexibility with lists (what and when things get done). Have a nice day. I’m sitting on a beach in NJ. We’ve avoided rain yesterday and today and should tomorrow as well. All clouds yesterday- I thought I’d be fine with my hat and umbrella. Ended up getting sunburned on my face and legs. Ugh!!!! Lots of sunscreen today.
it’s the uv index to watch not the sunshine (for sunburn). I hope you have a great vacation! I’ll be eating salt water taffy’s vicariously through you till I can get down there 🙂. And Johnson’s popcorn 😋
Hi Kenu🙂I make a list 📃 of things to do also every day with pen & paper.
Yes...I'm old school-never take my phone w/me shopping I always have a shopping list 📃. I guess I'll never change to this "high tech ⚙ "society we all live in.
😇🙏❤Lisa 💕
poor baby hope she gets better soon ...the funny is great thank you ...love and much happiness for both of you, stay cool..we are having major heat for a week ...
I’m sorry you didn’t get a lot of sleep and I’m sorry for Rozy! Both of you take it easy! Have a good weekend!
Oh, poor Rozy. I hope she's feeling better soon. Good luck with your lists. I make them and then forget where I put them.
I have multiple lists in my phone… And I make them with a little check boxes so all I have to do is check them as I do them and they fall to the bottom of the list… Very satisfying and I always have my phone with me when I’m at the grocery store so that is super helpful. Plus if my daughter, text me and ask me if I need anything from the grocery store I can literally just click and send her my list!
Oh no not the forehead