In our latest issue of The Motivator, we share stories about aging well with MS, accepting new realities and learning to trust your instincts. Read it here:
Aging Well with MS: Encouraging Stories ... - My MSAA Community
Aging Well with MS: Encouraging Stories & Effective Strategies
Is it in print MSAA_archived ? I havnt checked my mail ina week😟😂🤗💕🌠
That's me, too! I only walk out there about once every 10 days unless I'm expecting a small package. Mum comes over for coffee every week or so, and she just automatically stops at the mailbox first these days.
🤣😂🤣 My mailman brings the packages to the door, and emptys the mailbox for me🙂😂 🤗💕🌠🎃
At my old house, mine did the same! This one's the spawn of Satan, I think.
Growing older has helped my slow drop and enjoy the moment. I used to say, "I worry about tomorrow today, and don't worry about today because I took care of it yesterday!" Boy was I wrong! MS has taught me to enjoy and feel lucky about the blessing of each day as it comes and let the future take care of it's self. I've taken the power away from MS and gave it back to me.