I just wanted to thank you all who responded! Unfortunately, my friend couldn't make it over as a family emergency arose. I am very fortunate for this community and all of you who answered my call!
PPMS and unvax friend part 2: I just... - My MSAA Community
PPMS and unvax friend part 2
ach, so you got super stressed for nothing!😶 at least you're safe & perhaps they can visit you in future.
I hope everything is ok with your friend. 😊
Happy ending
The pressure to decide what to do is only off until the next occasion comes up - not just with this friend but with others who live in the same camp. However, at least you will be able to give your decision more thought so you can work out what you want to do and what your feelings are about this, especially as you write above that "It really bothered me as she is (my friend) extremely anti vaxx as well as anti mask". If your friendships with her, or with others, disintegrate because of her views being so different to yours, then (sadly) they won't be the first or the last friendships that go down the tube under the weight of anti-vax sentiments and conspiracy theories.
It's wonderful that it was answered for you!
it really is difficult to know what the right answer to the type of situations is. The fact that she is anti-vaxx AND anti mask is something that should definitely be considered if she would wish to visit in the future. I can say that because my own brother is not vaccinated, and refuses to go get vaccinated i will not allow him to come and visit me. He lives on the other side of the state (Florida) about 2 hours from here. I am east coast and he is west coast. It's very sad but I will not jeopardize my own well being and health because of his beliefs. If he wants to see me badly enough he will get vaccinated. He should be getting vaccinated anyway because he is out and abou5t dealing directly with the general public as part of his job. He is one of the people that believes this is a big thing that has blown out of proportion. IDK.. I just received my booster this past week along with my flu shot. He won't even go get the flu shot! I am over it
Wow! I had to reply as we are similar in our situations. My friend also lives in Florida however she lived near me on the east coast. We did "visit" via phone. I am, to put it simply, sad. She is so not the person/best friend that left to go south. Very angry about vaccination, politics, people etc, etc. it goes on and on. Even Tom Brady for heaven's sake! She despises him which has always bothered me. How can despise one you never met? She, as myself, is 61 years of age, living alone and working full time. I do believe she is getting bitter as our conversations lately border on belligerent.