Some Good News For Those OnThe B-Cell De... - My MSAA Community
Some Good News For Those OnThe B-Cell Depleting DMT’s

Hmmm….but unvaccinated are succumbing to the Delta variant and if CD20 DMTs make the vaccine ineffective what does that mean…🤷♀️
I have seen reports (don’t have them to share) that the hope is T cells are kicking in to “pick up the slack” so to speak from the b cell depletion. 🤔
Wish we could measure that T cell response. Apparently you can but only for research purposes ☹️
I’ve seen the same info about T cells. And also there is no data on the role of the B cells that aren’t killed off by the B cell depleaters such as the immature ones in the bone marrow or B cells that hang out in the lymphatic system, etc. There is a lot unknown.
Not to be the pessimist, but I understand that the longer you’re on anti CD20 DMTs and the older you are, the more likely the DMT is to wipe out all B cells and plasma cells. I will see if I can find that info. It may have been in Dr Gs blog.
Well…I can attest to the fact that plasma B cells can be wiped entirely by Ocrevus with no signs of repopulation. That’s why the results of my blood test taken right before my last Ocrevus infusion were so shocking to me. I expected a low CD-20 B cell count but didn’t expect a big fat ZERO! I have an appointment in September to discuss this with my neuro. She is so booked up right now, it’s ridiculous.
But even my Mayo Clinic reviewed blood test was only a count of serum cells. I don’t know what happens with the others. I’m guessing the immature B’s in the bone marrow are killed off by lingering Ocrevus when the cells mature and enter the blood stream. Just my own completely non-scientific theory. What do the B’s in the lymphatic system do? No clue!
I’m hoping for better info and data in Dr. G’s blog as more research produces data. Patience isn’t my strong suit though. I’m really tired of living in a Covid state of fear.
erash …it was the following paragraphs that made me feel some hope.
“When adjusting for the risk score, sex, and immune cell counts before infection, exposure to DMTs was not significantly associated with COVID-19 severity or mortality, when compared with no DMT use.
Similar findings were obtained for immunomodulatory DMTs and immunosuppressive DMTs, highlighting that MS patients using DMTs — including those that suppress the immune system — were not at higher risk of developing a more severe infection or of dying from it.”

A lot of information to digest, Raingrrl Thank you for sharing.