Good afternoon ms family. My wish today is for all of "YOU" to be well and content in your life. I am going through an Ear and Throat infection so fun times are had by Royc e. At least I am staying home and not spending money I do not have, damn Amazon. Damn Amazon credit card. Yes, I am VERY weak when it comes to some things, I feel I really need to improve on that, perhaps next lifetime I will finally get it. What about "YOU" how are "YOU" doing?
Nah, I should stop complaining, I am breathing, I only hurt in my ear. I have two of them, my face, we will not discuss that and my throat, BUT it is a really nice day outside. The UPS man was very friendly and polite, so yes it is good.
Find the goodness around "YOU". Look for the bright spots. Can not find them. Look harder "YOU" are not looking hard enough. I took my ms medicine today, it was one tablet so far. I used to have to do a needle, I HATE NEEDLES. I got up today, rolled out of bed, with no falling over, that was yesterday and I have the bruises to prove it. Walked into my office, opened the Tecfidera jar, took one tablet, swallowed and went back to bed. No-fuss no dramas. It may take "YOU" a little time, but how about "YOU" make your ms life like this.
'YOU" have a lot of time, why not start today?
Royce (your ms writer and Brother)
make your life good, make ms boring