Seriously wipe away the tears, do NOT be angry at anybody or anything. Use Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) as an opportunity to build a new and BETTER "YOU. Make better anything that "YOU" want it to be.
Do not spend your next few years, angry and hurt. ms happens. Ms Happened to "YOU", it happened to ME, it happened. Now is the time to start preparing for a life with ms. Learn everything that "YOU" can, understand what "YOU" can. ACCEPT that there are things that "YOU" can NOT understand, they are just over your head. Actually being ms they are mostly in your head. Make friends with and learn to love the most infuriating confusing, annoying individual "YOU" ever meet, YOU. Seriously YOU.
It is possible with effort to get through and live with this. Believe me 20+ years with it. If I can "YOU" CAN as well.
Royce (your ms writer and Brother)
believe in yourself, even when the obstacles seem hardest