I have been in pain with my left hand swelling and in lots of pain for 6 months and my neurology dr has not done anything to help. Iam tired of this pain MS is no joke but at least the dr could try and be more concerned they dont know what its like.
MS Flare-Ups: I have been in pain with my... - My MSAA Community
MS Flare-Ups

Unfortunately some doctors lack the compassion and understanding that us folks with ms need. Is it possible to see another doctor or contact your neurologist to get help. Please let us know what help you get. Praying that you get relief soon, Blessings Jimeka 😊
Also welcome, I see that you are a new member 👍
Welcome to a great group. We all "get" MS and are here for you.
It's sad that any doctor would lack compassion. We just have to be our own advocate and look for better care. I hope you can find another neurologist who will listen to you, even if they don't have all the answers. No doctor will have all the answers, and they can't really understand life with MS unless they have it, too. But there are many good neurologists out there. I hope you find one soon and get some help with this pain.
Do you take any medicines for pain, such as gabapentin?
I have tried the gabapentin 100 mg and 300 mg tylenol, ibrpofen, over the counter creams, soaking hand but the dr i saw on monday had a special cream made for me ill see how that works thanks for your imput it was very helpful.
Welcome to the group! What I have found with most doctors they are only as good as their nurse aid is. They are your primary contact for your issues and and passing on the correct information to your doctor.
If these are new complications over the past 6 months the doctor should be taking a MRI. If you have new lesions you would be able to receive steriods which is only a band aid but would help with the pain and swelling. Good luck on getting this resolved.
What about your hands.