Questions About Wellness and Healthy Liv... - My MSAA Community

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Questions About Wellness and Healthy Living with MS?

MSAA_Staff profile image
3 Replies

MS Awareness Month is quickly approaching and as a part of our March activities, MSAA once again invites you to mark your calendars and save the date for March 3, 2020 when we will be hosting an Ask the Expert about Wellness and Healthy Living with MS on this community! Returning for her third Ask the Expert, will be Dr_Annette_Okai to answer your questions.

For one hour, starting at 7:00 PM Eastern on Tuesday, March 3rd, Dr. Okai will answer your questions about wellness and healthy living. At 7:00 PM Eastern, we will create a new official post to open the Ask the Expert and all questions that you have for Dr. Okai should be posted as a reply to that official post. Any questions that are posted as their own thread will not be included as a part of the Ask the Expert.

If you would like to post a question, but do not already have a profile on My MSAA Community, please know that you will need to create your free profile before you can add your question.

During the Ask the Expert, we recommend that you click the "Follow Post" button directly underneath the official post and next to the "Like" button so that you will receive notifications of what questions have been posted and what the replies are, in case your question has already been asked by another member. In order to make sure that you are seeing the most up-to-date questions and answers, you will need to continue to refresh your browser to show all of the replies.

If you have a question for Dr. Okai, but do not think you will be able to attend the Ask the Expert live, please feel free to post your question below in the comments and we will do our best to get your question answered during the Ask the Expert.

At the end of the Ask the Expert, we will lock the thread, so that no more questions can be posted in the thread. If you miss the Ask the Expert, we will keep the post on the community so that you can see all of the questions and answers from the session!

Guidelines for the Ask the Expert:

1. While we always strive to provide useful, up-to-date information on matters of concern to the MS community, the information posted in this Ask the Expert session should not be used as a means of diagnosis or determining treatment. For diagnosis and treatment options, you are urged to consult your physician.

2. You can draw your questions from your personal experience, but please try to keep questions broad, and in terms of the general MS community.

3. Please try to limit your questions and responses to three sentences.

4. As always, please be respectful of other members and their questions.

See everyone at the Ask the Expert on Tuesday, March 3rd!

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MSAA_Staff profile image
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3 Replies
rjoneslaw profile image

I will be there

greaterexp profile image

Thank you! I hope to be there.

CalfeeChick profile image

I am so sorry to have missed the "Ask the Expert." I honestly couldn't find a link that would connect me (Maybe a MS blank-out on my part☹️)

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