Trying to learn more about ms since the recent diagnosis. Thank you 😊
Does everyone who has rrms get spms? How... - My MSAA Community
Does everyone who has rrms get spms? How do you know if it is spms?

It has been twenty five years since I was diagnosed with RRMS. This last visit with my neurologist started he thinks I have moved into SPMS now. I haven’t had any relapse for years but have steadily but slowly declined. Ken 🐾🐾
Mainly fatigue, gait, pain, right eye blurry move often, heat sensitivity, hearing, and vertigo happens more often. He said two types of SPMS, steady decline and gradual which I have after twenty five years. The real problem is nothing works for SPMS 🤬. He has ordered another MRI of my cervical and brain 🧠 to check activity and go from there. I am currently on Aubagio for last two years and my last two MRI’s were stable and no new lesions. Wait and see. 👍 Ken 🐾🐾
I was told that I’d progressed to SPMS about 2 yrs ago.
Everything I’ve read seems to point toward it being an individualized thing. Starting DMTs early seems to delay moving into SPMS. Some people never get to SPMS, but others seem to decline more quickly.
Was diagnosed nearly 8 years ago & so far still at relapse/remit stage. Doctor doesn’t think I will change much. Could be due to age: was diagnosed at 50.
Your thirst for knowledge is impressive and highly commendable, and while many of the people on this forum are very knowledgeable the best thing you can do to learn the facts about MS is to use the many websites of the many MS Societies around the world. Just because an MS organisation is in another country doesn't mean you can't learn stuff from its website. These sites have a wealth of information on them and lots of resources you can download, or read online. For pretty much every question you have there will be answers on their websites, plus answers to questions you haven't thought of yet - but will no doubt think of in the future......
Here's a few links to get you started (and in November you will be tested on what you have learnt - a three hour written exam will be organised exclusively for you, with a pass mark of 95% required
The article on this link is very long but it will answer every question you could possible have about MRIs (and then some.....)
The second best thing you can do is to register for the Understanding MS MOOC. This is a new FREE online course about MS - for patients, family, carers, health professionals, and anyone who wants to know more about MS than just newspaper headlines about Selma Blair. Enrolments for the second running of this course have just opened - it runs for six weeks, and others on this forum who have done the course have nothing but praise for it. Read the FAQs linked to the landing page and they will tell you everything you need to know about the course (and the info that it takes two hours a week is a generous estimate - many people do it easily in a bit less than that).
My doctor says it's basically when you don't go into remission and you never feel like you're getting better but I never feel like I'm getting better and they said that I still have relapsing-remitting so I don't really understand it either