I'm in McDonough Georgia and it's not even a group close to me except miles away.... What are the specifics of starting a group and do I have to be certified?
Starting a group: I'm in McDonough Georgia... - My MSAA Community
Starting a group
If u call the MSAA they should be able to help
I ran a group in Pocatello Idaho twenty years ago with no certification. I got ahold of the local hospital and they gave us a room to meet in once a month and supplied snacks and beverages 👍. Also MSAA sent us lots of brochures and information. Then I started contacting neurologist and other in the health care field for speakers 👍. Was a lot of work but had fun doing it for three years and then turned it over as I was still working full time then. Make some contacts with MSAA and local help and I’m sure you will do great 👍🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
Besides MSAA another organization that you can reach out to is the National MS Society. I go to a group that is organized through them.
Welcome to the gr8est support group on the web, congrats on doin th@!😄 also in the group, get either the 2 e'books or regular books by Ann Boroch, "Healing Multiple Sclerosis", & "The Candida Cure" & really learn about the Gut-Microbiome, whenever it is clogged w/ bacteria overgrowth it causes a plethora of auto-immune diseases, i.e. food poisonings now sensitivities, lyme diseases, even from fleas, Rhumatoid Arthritis, M.S., because our poor immune systems' are all confused & start attacking our own bodies!😮😱YIKES!! So, whenever we clean our guts & heal them, then we can really start to feel better & at least manage M.S. & keep it in Remission, also learn Dr. Amy Myers, & Dr. Jockers (he's on youtube), this why you can teach them to really manage their M.S. w/out being a human guinea pig💊or pin cushion💉 for the Harm-U-Psueticals'😄😄lol! Welcome again & my name is Jazzy🌹💜