I read on webmd.com this am about end of life and hospice for ms patients.I ask my dr once the natural question, can you die from ms?his response was yes if are completly paralyzed.l never gave it another thought ,then I read this and it made it real,complications include not being able to swallow or breathe,from infection from bladder or bed sores to the bone,I knew this, but it did make it so real.We need to keep doing what we can as long as we can and most important enjoy life!too much info can be as bad as not enough.this put some fear in me.here is to hoping that info falls out of my head!
AS ms can progress: I read on webmd.com... - My MSAA Community
AS ms can progress

It is a sad reality. I lost a friend last week to motor neurone disease, dx in March, gone July 16th, she walked 9 miles on her birthday, December 9th. We never know what’s around the corner, Blessings Jimeka 🌈
that is why we take disease modifying therapy. Not to cure us but to slow disease progression. To keep us moving longer
How I wish that zapper from Men in Black really existed! Some fear is useful, it can unfortunately get out of hand, though.
Its true people die from complications from MS, a lot of people also die from complications of walking across the street. Take care of yourself.
As James Dean once said: "Live as if you will die tomorrow. Dream as if you will live forever."
When I was first diagnosed I read everything I could get my hands on. My husband asked one day if I could die from MS. I had read something earlier that day that MS could paralyze my heart once it progresses a lot more than what I was at. I told him yes one day it could make my heart stop...but so can a lot of other things long before MS gets its turn to try it. I said it like it was no big deal. I'm still not sure who I was trying to convince more....him or me.
I’m not sure this will help but I hope it does.
I know many people with ms and have lived with my mother all my life up until recently she passed from end stage ms.
Two months later I was diagnosed with ms to have it taken away lp negative and lesions in the wrong area of the brain so possibly lupus.
Anyway ms can in very rare circumstance kill you however I do believe exercise and the right medication and diet are so so important.
You see my mum got lost in depression which I completely understand and turned to drink and drugs which progressed her ms she then had another child 8years ago and it was to much for her to handle.
I have a friend with ms she inspires me lives a completely normal life runs her own business eats and exercise a lot she has had children whilst she has ms and she is 90% fine
My nans best friend has ms only had to use a walking sick now 76 had it since she was 24 same age as my mum.
I do realise that we don’t always get a choice and illnesses can progress no matter what but I do believe the choice you make can make a massive difference
None of us are promised tomorrow
Nothing in life is guaranteed
But take it from me no one wants to be the one in the bed full of regrets my mum I know for a fact was that person my brothers never came when she was dying she had only one friend my dad never attended her funeral this was not because of her illness but her choices
She had me though I forgave her I understand she just lost her way
Could of would of should of are the last words of a fool my mum used to say
Be positive we all need to live our own best life ❤️
Oh,thank you sooo much,that puts all of this in true understanding.I do believe in free choice.and you are correct in saying we have to do what we can do for ourselves, i am so sorry about your mom.I think we can understand her depths of depression and her trying to get some relief from all of it.you are correct to forgive her so you can move on.so sorry about your ms,kind of a big kick in the pants.thank you for sharing this life story,makes my concerns teeney-weeney.try to forgive your dad and brothers,they are only hurting themselves.you are wise to see truth in all this.let us know how you are doing.