I have a question for everybody. - My MSAA Community

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I have a question for everybody.

RoyceNewton profile image
64 Replies

as everybody knows I write a lot here, actually most days. I am quite aware that online etiquette says that if I put something all caps I am yelling at you. I thought that if I put quotation marks around my all caps it would be understood that I am making a point as to what I am referring to, not yelling. It has been politely suggested that this is still yelling. Putting the word in italics or changing the font really does ruin the flow of thought, but I still would like to make my emphasis.

Do you have any ideas on what I should do as I am rather lost.


appreciate your polite feedback

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RoyceNewton profile image
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64 Replies
Morllyn profile image

Never bothered me but maybe someone else.

Maybe just in quotations?

Jesmcd2 profile image

You got this RoyceNewton maybe just capitalize the. Y ? Idk but wasn't me this time.🤣😂🤗💕


mhansenm1 profile image

Underline it 😉

carolek572 profile image

Perhaps ‘you’ instead of ‘YOU’. But, I have followed your example, and show ‘ms’ not capitalized and in small letters because I want to make ‘ms’ small and ‘contained’. Capitalizing YOU places the importance and emphasis squarely where it belongs - on YOU (meaning the reader). I do know why YOU do it and it makes your point very effectively! And it is your style! Other than than, I am not sure what else to say. :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

no, you are exactly correct, that is my intention on both counts. Somebody just mentioned it and I just assumed I should get others opinions. I personally see no reason to change and most everybody so far has agreed, Only right though to get the families input.

RoseySawyer profile image
RoseySawyer in reply to RoyceNewton

You type just fine. I don't see the problem. 😊❤🌷

greaterexp profile image

Caps and quotation marks where they don't belong distract me, personally. I can read more easily when the writing is done more traditionally. But that's probably just me.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to greaterexp


lbenmaor profile image
lbenmaor in reply to greaterexp

I agree with you.

Best Wishes,


CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to greaterexp

I am also a believer of “Tratitional” of the English language. By the way, my iPhone capitalized the word English 😄

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to CalfeeChick

see it is not just me it is APPLE as well, I must be right APPLE says :-)

Elizt3 profile image

I enjoy your posts, Royce. They provide a point of view that's interesting and gets me thinking. I know the capital letters are part of your posts and I believe you have good intentions and want us to consider the issues you highlight. Thank you for your posts! :-)

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Elizt3

Thank you my friend

ssdw1958 profile image

I probably am not the right person to ask because I find myself writing sentences that can go the whole paragraph. I find myself putting in capitals when I get really passionate about what I am writing.

I say write the way you want to we with this disease go through so much I’m not going to criticize you on your writing.

We have enough people silencely saying things about us I think this is a place to be able too write what we want to write and how we want to write it.

There I go again a no ending sentence.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to ssdw1958

excellent advice thank you very much

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to RoyceNewton

Sure like I say we should be able too talk from the heart ♥️ any way we want to.

Peruzzot profile image

What I tend to do is put a word I want to emphasize is the bold the word. But most of the time I'm on this chat I'm using my phone and it won't let me do anything special to the font. You might be stuck using all caps.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Peruzzot

o that is an idea I had not thought of thanks

Madeleinemom profile image

For emphasis, I would bold the word … which makes me think - how do you do that here? :)

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Madeleinemom

good point I have no idea

jimeka profile image

You learn something new every day. I didn’t know capitals meant yelling. I think we have all got used to your style of writing, it is who you are, you bring a lot of depth and understanding of ms to all of us and it’s good to see a male making contributions. No complaints here, Blessings Jimeka 🦋

RoseySawyer profile image
RoseySawyer in reply to jimeka

I agree Jimeka. 😊❤🌷

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to RoseySawyer

Thank you very much ladies

Allen5280 profile image


All I can say is.... how 'YOU' write is how 'YOU' are and makes 'YOU' your own unique individual style of catching attention to the point your making. 😁 never has it offended me in any manner, I could see how someone might misinterpret it if they ignored the marks were there. I dont know of any other way to do in on a phone either and I think it was quite clever and may even 'BARROW' it sometime myself!

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Allen5280

Go right ahead mate, it is yours to use as you like.

anaishunter profile image

I find it ironic that in a world where emojis are used everywhere, people would complain about capital letters. emojis do bother me in business writing (not on this forum).

Here are suggestions:

- use emojis

- use words to describe what you actually want to communicate in your emphasis, such as "you and only you", "the best of you"

- use stars before and after: **you**, the more stars, the more emphasis I guess

RoyceNewton I enjoy your posts, keep writing.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to anaishunter

Thanks, another good idea I had not thought of

All caps is distracting to me, but I figured that is my MS weirdness...certain smells, overwhelming pictures, such as Pinterest, crowded rooms, anything could overwhelm me! Are bold or italics allowed or do-able? Just a thought.

jackiesj profile image

Doesnt bother me, have you seen my English? let it flow!

Frances_B profile image

I'm the pedantic nitpicking nerd who suggested that Royce not use /"YOU"/ in his writing, and to save people having to go looking for the comment I posted, I will copy it here. Royce has also asked me ".....how do I emphasise the you then as I have no better idea,...". I would like to make it very clear that my comments are not intended as criticism per se but some thoughts that I hope will help Royce make a success of his proposed blog project. While it seems to me that Royce is trying to emphasise the individuality of each PwMS's situation and journey, and that accepting responsibility for dealing with/living with this shitty disease is important, I may well be wrong - please tell me if I am.

The comment I posted on a different thread was:

"Go for it Royce, but whether it's a book or a blog - just one thing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of the /"YOU"/ thing and just use normal lower case (unless starting a sentence with that word!). I have OK eyesight but it is very hard on the eyes to read when you write it like that, especially when it is used frequently in sentences, and I ended up not bothering to read your posts simply because of that. It must be heaps worse for people who have vision problems. It also tends to detract from the message you are trying to convey. You've written before that you don't see it as "yelling" but that is the generally accepted interpretation of words in all upper case, and when you write /"YOU"/ it presents as if you are berating the reader, even if that is not your intention. Please take this comment in the spirit it is intended, from someone who has had to use word crafting skills for many years as part of earning their living.

You might find the following article interesting.


If you go for a blog, you might find the following website interesting - its all about the standard for website accessibility (WCAG), although as a personal project you wouldn't need to get fussed about it as it tends to only get applied to government and corporate websites etc, and is the Gold Standard which hardly anyone can fully achieve.


NOTE - edited March 5th to add the WCAG link that somehow dropped off my post"


From my perspective there are several issues involved.

* Writing in all caps is widely acknowledged and accepted as "YELLING" at people - especially in electronic communications (even if SOME people here are not aware of this)

* Posts and posting on a public forum are an "informal" communication medium, a blog site or a book is more formal, and accordingly should conform to slightly tighter "rules" and standards.

* Ease of reading is critical - if something's a bit hard to read in a forum it doesn't matter much, but if it's a website you don't want people bypassing it because it's difficult to read. It should also be remembered that for PwMS who have suffered Optic Neuritis they are often left with some vision problems and I'm sure Royce doesn't want to exclude people with sight difficulties from reading what he writes.

* If you do any basic study in communications skills you will find it's often recommended that use of the word "you" is generally minimised or avoided - it is seen as aggressive and accusatory - especially if you look into basic Transactional Analysis theory - it heads towards the "parent berating a child" scenario - it is pretty much a written version of pointing a finger at someone, and I'm sure that's not really what Royce means to convey. Have a think about how you felt when you read the bit I wrote above that said "even if SOME people here are not aware of this". If it made you feel uncomfortable or that I was being accusing or belittling, then you are starting to understand what I'm writing about - and yes, I did it to make this very point.

So here are a few lines of Royce's writing, both with the emphasis removed, and as originally written. For me the "normal" writing is visually much easier to read, the thoughts flow better, are clearer, and are communicated without the distraction that comes from the capitalisation. Read them aloud with and without the emphasis - and hear the difference removal of the emphasis makes - let the content speak for itself, it really does not need any extra emphasis - otherwise it starts to sound like a fire and brimstone preacher yelling at his congregation.

"The words I write, the ideas I give you are for you. Only you. They are what you need to see, hear, think about right now. Maybe they resonate in you today maybe tomorrow maybe the day after that. They will be there for you when you need them the most."

"The words I write, the ideas I give "YOU" are for "YOU". Only "YOU. they are what "YOU" need to see, hear, think about right now. Maybe they resonate in "YOU" today maybe tomorrow maybe the day after that. They will be there for "YOU" when "YOU" need them the most."


For those who want to know how to use bold, italics, or underlining on this forum - it is quite simple if you are using a normal keyboard - just use the same keyboard shortcuts you use on your computer for other stuff such as Word documents etc. So, Ctrl+b for bold, Ctrl+i for italics, and Ctrl+u for underlining. If you double click your mouse to highlight a word then whichever of these shortcuts you use will also apply to the space that comes after the word - which can be a bit of a PITA with underlining. If you use the shortcut while typing up your post you will need to use the shortcut like and on/off switch - i.e. use it at the start of the word or section you want typed differently and then again at the end. You can also use more than one shortcut - you can make something bold, italic and underlined all at the same time - like this.

Another useful shortcut which works on this forum is Ctrl+z for "undo" - very handy if you accidentally delete heaps of words you didn't meant to delete.

As far as doing bold etc on a phone goes - because I don't use my phone for accessing any internet stuff at all I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA :) :) :)

Ali_B62 profile image
Ali_B62 in reply to Frances_B

Probably depends on the phone being used in any case. :-)

goatgal profile image
goatgal in reply to Frances_B

Frances_B Thank you for the tutorial. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. but appreciative. Though I've never said so, I often find style distracting when my brain is struggling to enter the slipstream of another's thoughts; unusual style distracts me from ideas. Again, thank you for helping. Really!

in reply to goatgal

Tough audience too-MS folks on edge- like me!😬

Lilith08 profile image
Lilith08 in reply to Frances_B

Thank you for an excellent explanation. As a former word-worker I agree with it all.

Recently, I started to read Do "YOU" see all the possibilities around "YOU"? Seriously do "YOU"? but had to stop. If it would of read Do you see all the possibilities around you? Seriously, do you?" I would have continued with interest. I find the "YOU" distracting and breaks the flow of my reading. I feel as if by using the capitals and quotes I'm being told who you're speaking to and I don't need to be told that since I'm the one reading it. This is only my opinion. Many look forward to what you write so by all means, go for the greater good but it is easier for me to read and understand things better in my cognitive problem brain without the caps and quotes and by letting the written words flow without the "YOU" interruptions.

in reply to

That’s what I meant to say! All caps, my mind flips off and I stop reading (no offense meant-it’s me!)

DIsneyQueen profile image

Your writing style is just fine. I know who I am reading when I see YOU and it says to me that the emphasis is on us and not on our ms or anything or anyone else. Keep up the good work. Never took it as yelling at me👍😁

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to DIsneyQueen

I wondered when somebody would get this, thank you

Ali_B62 profile image

I didn't take it as yelling either but I take the point that some with sight problems find it hard on the eyes. Difficult to know what could be used to replace "you" as well. :-)

goatgal profile image

RoyceNewton I respond to posts and occasionally post here using my laptop. The HealthUnlocked app does not permit me to underline, bold, or italicize so I understand your (slight) frustration. Claim authorial privilege, continue to write the way that the muse inspires you, and relax about the critique. We all know why you have chosen the style you use, and (speaking in defense of my typos) many of us are lucky to be able to type at all! It takes me forever to respond or post because the skills I acquired more than 50 years ago are no longer what they once were. Listen to your muse, brush the critical imp off the other shoulder, and write on!

pamgarner profile image

All of us that have been here awhile, know your writing. You explained yourself in the beginning, I don't know of anyone being offended.Just keep showing up and keep us informed,just be yourself

Momjules profile image

Good morning!

I’m mostly quiet so I just stopped reading your post.

Lilith08 profile image

Royce, I agree with Frances_B , especially as it pertains to anything outside of this forum. Within the forum you can be more relaxed about your style as your regular readers seem to understand it’s your personal style. Personally, I find the unnecessary capitalization jarring, so I generally don’t read your posts.

One thing I’d beg you to avoid, even more than the all-caps is unnecessary quotation marks. If you’re using a mobile device and can’t style your text (apply bold, underscore or italics), and want some way to make a word stand out other than all-caps, you might consider placing the word between asterisks (e.g. *you*). That suggests the word is in boldface. More correctly you would indicate that it’s in italics, by placing it between underscores (_like this_), but it looks awkward and I hardly ever see that in use.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to Lilith08

I’m sorry but that would be more confusing to me and * are distracting. Now caps and bold would really make a point, but hey, we have MS brains that don’t remember all the grammar and texts rules. Just say what you feel without bashing anyone. I thought that’s what this place is about. And we extend a lot of room for expression because as my neurologist told me, I have lost my social filters to know what is acceptable or not. So I’m sorry if someone doesn’t understand how I write. If I have to be that careful I will not bothering talking, cause that why I don’t engage in social events anymore —I might say something offensive that I regret. Mercy,

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to agapepilgrim

I don't think I've ever had any "proper" social filters. I have always told it the way I see it. Some are offended with the way I say it or the particular words I use...I have to be really angry to use any kind of profanity and refrain from that...But I don't know how to flower anything up. I'm pretty good at picking my fights well...usually win because of it...but I've gotten into trouble for it too. 😅 At the same time I don't avoid social activities due to fear that I'll say something someone won't like. I was at one of the beaches here in Charleston and went into one of the souvenir shops to look around. I found a sign that said "I didn't mean to offend you, that was just a bonus." I bought it immediately with one coworker in mind.😁 He and I were always getting into heated debates. He would say something that was paternalistic and I'd turn it back at him and he'd be offended. I of course didn't care...because I'm like that.

Point being don't avoid social activities due to fear of offending someone. Some people look for excuses to be offended. That's different than being insulted and you don't seem to be the insulting type of person.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to Peruzzot

Guess it’s perspective.. I come from a dysfunctional family and abusive childhood so I wanted to take the road less traveled and my goal was to not be offensive or abusive or unloveable. I was always the peacemaker, smiling and loving. The first time (about 2 yrs ago) I got angry and used profanity yelling at my husband, he just glared at me in shock Nd it was like I was standing on the side watching this stranger throw a temper tantrum with lots of ugly language. Now neurologist says I have PBA, but not the laugh8ng kind, the angry kind. My siblings are the type who offend everyone wherever they go, including me. To each his own road to travel. My goal has been to be kind to everyone always, so I had a lot of filters in place. Now they are gone, along with the myelin. Th least time our friend accompanied us on vacation I got angry and threw the tv remote at her (missed thankfully); that’s the kind of filters I meant. 🤣 she doesn’t want to go with us anymore, can’t blame her. I don’t like the MS me but what we gonna do anyway? So I avoid people and stay peaceful and quiet. Better for brain deterioration anyway.

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to agapepilgrim

You can throw your remote at me anytime agapepilgrim , it would take more than that to stop our friendship. Blessings Jimeka 👍

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to jimeka

jimeka ahhhh......that’s so sweet. All my “friends” have forsaken me, maybe I can keep talking here and stay out of my cave.

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to agapepilgrim

That's different than what I was thinking. I also grew up with an abusive mother. But what your calling filters I refer to as self imposed restraints. I still have those in place but sometimes I have a really hard time not to break them.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to Peruzzot

Peruzzot self imposed restraints😂 those are “gone with the wind”. I started playing Fishdom computer game and suddenly one day realized I had spent over $50 in the previous month buying lives, etc! And this is a gal that shops atGoodwill to save money. If I had any self imposed restraints left —or could obey them— I wouldn’t be throwing temper tantrums and cussing T my husband. I do pray whatever medicine this neuropsychiatrist gives me next week will enable me to impose those restraints once again. This current society has no self imposed restraints or there wouldn’t be mass shootings, road rage, DUIs killing people, etc etc etc. I believe our freedom is to be free to help, serve, and uplift others. Makes for a good society. So I stay home.😂😂 by selfimposed restraint. 8 enjoy your writings.

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to agapepilgrim

Hope the meds help you get back to normalcy. Have you been checked for PTSD issues that have been suppressed from childhood abuse? You might be experiencing some triggers that set off your anger in inappropriate ways.

I have a few but I've been aware of them for a very long time, long before PTSD was a commonly known term. For example I was in the bathroom getting ready for work one day shortly after I had married my husband. He walked in behind me and I hadn't heard him come in. He barely touched my shoulder to move me away from the sink so he could brush his teeth. I whipped around really fast with closed fist and almost punched him in the face! I managed to stop in time and never actually touched him, plus he jumped back with a look of shock on his face. I told him to never come up behind me without saying something before touching me. I had been attacked by my mother too many times that way. He always said something since. My sons however are a little more froggy with that reaction and have intentionally snuck up behind me to poke their finger somewhere low on my back and then take off laughing in the opposite direction! It's an instinctive reaction. But i know the cause of it.

mrsmike9 profile image

Never bothered me. If you put the entire message in caps it would be different.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to mrsmike9

I would not be able to read that.

stepsforNeeC profile image

Royce, honestly. As someone who secretly writes poetry, graduated from Temple U (light years ago); but fatigue, freaking Glatirmate Acetate a.k.a. generic Copaxone and the six other med's I take can make me send out text messages that the cyber world nor I could stop. If anyone is that annoyed with all the troubles in this world, let's pray extra hard for them. No worries my friend :)

Be Blessed...Be You


CraigS profile image


There are sooo many comments on this, I’d feel left out if I didn’t join in. Here’s my take: You do what makes you feel good. I’ve never felt like you were yelling, although that is the excepted norm for capital letters. I read what you have to say, not your method of saying it.

Thanks for all of YOUR insight.


BDStein profile image

Just write the way you are lead to write.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to BDStein

That, my friend, will be how it is done.

agapepilgrim profile image

CAPS is yelling??? Since when? I thought it just meant firmness, like I can’t believe this! Different strokes different folks, especially with MS brains all interpreting things differently depending on e xtent of brain shrinkage or brian fog or neurodegenerative disease. Guess I better be careful about ! also. As long as it is not cussing, I don’t understand what’s wrong with caps to make a point

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to agapepilgrim

Thank you my point exactly, which is why I shall continue to use it.

agapepilgrim profile image

The use of YOU got through to me more than anything I have read. It actually made me feel good about the ME I have become. Keep using YIU I say. Did so much for my attitude!

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to agapepilgrim

I am glad that it did

agate profile image

I've been on several MS boards for about 18 years now and try not to be bothered by anyone's writing style even though I was an English instructor in a past life. The way I see it, if the person's meaning is coming through clearly, all is well and good. I know how difficult writing is for some people, and for those with MS writing can be much more difficult than for healthier people. An MS support board is meant as a support board. It's not aiming to be a literary masterpiece. People with MS are often under enough stress in their daily lives--and they find it stressful if they're being told that their posts need to be revised or their writing style needs to be changed. However, many people do not always make their meaning clear, and that is a different problem--one that can lead to lots of misunderstanding.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to agate

anytime that you feel I need correction or would like to share advice PM me I would be most grateful. I am a trained commercial pilot, not a writer.

Fattius profile image

Honestly, I automatically know who it's from and there surely is information or positivity following! I get it and is aesthetically pleasing to tell ur narrative the way you want present it. Now your stuck...lol I go through this a lot but different circumstances. Air quotes and capitalizations are definitely 2 things you feel are the right addition to stress ur point or a "post it for others " catching the eyes of those who need a moment of clarity and composition! Just a thought.

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