Who else has a brain lesion in the pons? Explains a lot. -Kris
Yeah that’s a bummer: Who else has a brain... - My MSAA Community
Yeah that’s a bummer

That’s a good question I will be asking mu neurologist that at my next visit
I have 2 in the back of my brain 1 small one on the left and recently added a whole bunch of little bitty ones in a concentrated area on the right side.
I'm sorry. Have you noticed symptoms associated with that lesion?
🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️ I do, I do. Unsure of the number, but more than one. 😔
I was found to have a lesion in the pons when I was diagnosed with MS.

Can you tell me how this affect you? I have never been that specific when asking where my lesions have appeared. I just know that many of mine were found in the spinal cord. A few in the brain as well, I think.
carolek572 All of my senses are off (taste etc). The left side of my face/tongue stay numb. Lots of eye & face twitching on that side. I used to tell my neuro that my brain was having WiFi issues. The last 6 months its more like my brain has been disconnected (seriously...)😂 It’s hard to explain but here goes...when I am listening...my brain substitutes words “that sound like” the word that’s being said - adopted/abducted (I heard my daughters friend say her parents abducted her from China😂). I didn’t understand until the following day that she hadn’t been abducted...it’s like that part of my brain is missing. Same thing happens when trying to read...it either scrambles the letters to form a new word or puts in any word it wants. By the 3rd word I forget what the 1st 2 words said & go back to the beginning. Gets so frustrating & overwhelming I stop. Same thing with writing - the word I mean to write & the one written are usually completely different. Makes communication really hard - even responding to a text. I gave up on grammar and proofing but I want to make sure I meant the words I typed...but having trouble reading what I typed gets me frustrated so I delete the response.
Wow. All that stuff would drive me nuts. I now know what you say that you have brain lesions in the pons. Thank you for explaining it to me.
I looked on the internet for the "Pons" in the brain. And, after reading, it looks like the "Pons" controls lots of things - many that could be trouble if not controlled properly. Hope you're doing well.