Hello fellow folks dealing with the effects of MS. I was diagnosed quite a while ago, in1987. Initially, demyelinating disease, i.e. MS or multiple sclerosis, caused me great fatigue after I would come home from working a ten or twelve hour day. I was 30 years old and didn't even have a primary care physician yet, but, my wife told me I should find a primary care physician and ask whether that person thought anything was wrong. Well my new primary care physician asked me to make an appointment to see a neurologist since she thought I either was presenting signs of MS or brain cancer.
Now, based on some of my strange actions, my wife questioned whether I really had a brain or not, even though she had typed my PhD thesis., so when my primary care physician asked me to see a neurologist my wife kidded that even my physician wasn't sure whether I really had a brain. Well I saw a neurologist and got an MRI to prove I had a brain, but, my wife asked me whose MRI picture I had stolen. That's how we got through the news that the MRI displayed significant demyelination I my brain which was causing me to display the symptoms of MS, e.g., fatigue, memory loss, difficulty analyzing and solving complex problems, decreased balance and coordination, and so forth. Nevertheless, Was able to continue leading a research and development lab until 1999 when I was asked to take disability leave.
I had been taking Copaxone since 1992 and hope it reduced the rate demyelination. After 2000 I started taking Avonex with the same hope, then after switch to Tysabri which I just discontinued this year of 2018, and now I'm back on Avon again.
I continue to have difficulty maintaining my concentration. Between 2000 and 2010 I tried to start a company, BiotecConnect, Inc., to facilitate technology transfer from academic biotechnology research labs to product development at companies in the biotechnology industry. Without enough customers to keep the businesses operating I had to dissolve it. Since 2010 I have been writing a book based on the research I did to start BiotecConect and my experience in the biotechnology industry. However, maintaining my focus has been difficult to say the least, so though I have drafts for 24 chapters I have yet to complete the final versions of each.
I hope to complete the chapters this year and publish the book and submit articles, based on the chapters, to journals for publication. After that I hope to engage in collaborations with people who are willing to work with me.
That's my story so far. I hope there is no one who is a professional scientist who is also dealing with the diagnosis I have been dealing, but please know I am most willing to compare notes or discuss ideas with anyone whose life is similar to mine in some way.