Picked up my third attempt at a bladder medication today. Pharmacist suggested retraining the bladder by going at specific times each day. I laughed!
Funny pharmacist: Picked up my third... - My MSAA Community
Funny pharmacist

Oh my...haha that’s exactly what my mom told me earlier when she came by my house & I asked her to pick me up some more pads because I’m no longer able to drive myself to the store!
I would have definitely laughed in a very sarcastic way, which I do sometimes and a lot more lately. I take it u have an overactive bladder? Sorry for asking as mine is overactive and it does marathons! I'm waiting to see a doc about mine bless u hope ur ok xxx
Had to be a man to say that!!! 😂
I might have laughed, too, but for the fear I’d wet my pants.
I told the pharmacist to imagine having 6 bladders that release at different times and you can never know when this will happen. She is a friend of the family so she burst into laughter and said thanks for the explanation.
Laugh (me too!!!) but that truly is one of the things they teach us in medicine to tell pts with over active bladder.
Keep your sense of humor that’s what will get you through. I asked my urologist since I have a crazy overactive bladder does that mean I burn more calories? Sadly, the answer is no LOL
My Urologist put me on Vesicare and it worked. My nerves still has its moments because I was paralyzed and it takes alot of time for the nerves to heal and because of my MS it may not be healed completely. So when I do go out somewhere I put on my pee pads on just incase there's not a restroom near by or I can't get to it on time.
Stacy, if only it was that easy! They have no clue! My bladder has triggers and when I walk into a bathroom it lets go a lot of times, when I pull into my garage I usually have trouble making it the bathroom, etc etc. This will happen even if I'd gone bathroom 30 minutes before! I have to say if there's are only three things I could change when dealing with my MS, my bladder issues would be in the top three things! I should have taken out stock with Depends because I truly believe I'd be wealthy stock owner by now! Fancy.