hi there, starting off I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 18 years old (currently 22 years old) although since I was nine I had chronic back pain doctors didn't discover my condition until after a car crash when I got sent for x ray. they cannot rule out that I had the condition Years previous. I got sent for a mri due to increase in pain and discovered I had 3 curves one of which is 35 degrees. This was then sent to a spine specialist in Edinburgh whom then sent me for a ct scan and has found something he thinks it's either a lesion or infection but received blood results and don't have an infection. I am extremely worried as I am only 22 who is generally very poorly due to this condition and can't cope with daily life anymore. Any advice?
Help and advice needed!: hi there... - My MSAA Community
Help and advice needed!
Welcome to our crazy 😜 group of MSERS. Here you will find lots of great information from people who care and who have experienced the ups and downs of living with MS. I was diagnosed twenty three years ago and have been on seven different DMT’s thru the years. I was 39 years old and continued to work during this time until diagnosed with throat cancer 😕. It is hard at times, but it does not own me. I do a lot of prayers and have turned it over to the Lord 🙏. I try to stay as positive as I can and read as much as I can about MS and New changes of treatment 👍. You have to become your own advocate and acquire a great neurologist that specializes in MS 👍. Get all of your doctors on the same page and take care of YOU !!! We are not doctors, but we do have real life experience. This is a great place to vent and find new friends 😉. Hang in there and stay positive 👍. My prayers are with you and your family 🙏🙏🐾Ken
Ang20ela First of all, as Kenu said, you are in the right place. While we aren't doctors, we are here for you and do care very much. I've a friend that has some serious scoliosis, so I know a little of what you are going through there. It's certainly scary waiting to get answers. Just wondering if the area may have been injured in the accident. Just wondering if you may have poor bone density because of the scoliosis. Until you have a definite diagnosis, there are lots of possibilities, not all of them MS. You may have a deep tissue or deep bone bruise as an example. I have had a very aggressive form of osteoarthritis for a long time. As a young person, even if you have both the scoliosis & MS, you will learn about your "new Normal." What I would suggest for now is do some research here: mymsaa.org/ as there is a world of info here for you. If you have opportunity to pray with your pastor, please do, I did, gave my issues to the Lord and felt great relief. Keep on coming back here, ask questions, let us know how you are doing.
I have scoliosis as well When I was in grade school they wanted to do surgery but my mother told them no because there was no guarantee it would help.
I understand the pain you are in. I have had pain so bad that I could hardly stand. At one point I thought because I take baclofen and tizanidine it would help with the pain but it doesn’t
At this point in my life when if the dr tells me I have something I’ll just ask what else can I get.
Can you get spine surgery?
If you have MS it’s not that bad after a while, I was upset and I got used to it.
It’s very treatable and manageable in most cases.
I hope your drs find a solution quickly!
You’re stronger than you think and can overcome everything life throws at you.
Ang20ela, it's Fancy1959. Since I have been very fortunate to never have to deal with spinal scoliosis I really have no comment or common experiences to share with you. Get your doctor who works with you on your terrible back conditions. Keep track of your symptoms in the pain level and if anything I'm fix them or what time of day they become worse. Basically anything you can think to track. Put them in a journal type of log book and take them to your next doctor visit. If it's unclear if you don't like or if your current therapy it's not helping to alleviate your pain don't hesitate to get a second opinion. I wish I could offer more advice but I've never had to deal with such severe back issues such as yours. Sending you a big hug for this Electronic Connection and hoping your pain becomes manageable. Fancy1959.