I have issues with Baclofen making me VERY sleepy. I keep getting told by people that I must take it, anyone have problems?
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Baclofen Issues...

Sggmcswain, Baclofen made me feel like I was drunk. I was told to stay with it and it would eventually go away, but I could not live with that feeling.
Hello Sggmcswain, it's Fancy1959. My original dosing of Baclofen gave me fits as well. I was taking one at night and one in the morning and I would be past the point of exhaustion I would be loopy as can be. I don't know how to explain but it wasn't a good situation so I cut back on the dosage after talking to my neurologist and I cut the dose in half. Taking 1/2 a tablet in the morning and 1/2 a tablet in the evening at bedtime. That got rid of the extreme exhaustion and loopiness that I was experiencing. If someone would call early in the morning I literally was not very functional and had trouble even carrying on a conversation. So be careful until you get the dosage worked out with your neurologist and be sure not to overdo it until you feel cognitive and awake. Take care and remember together we are stronger.
I had to take 1/2 after my loopiness wears off after the prozac in the am.
I was taking a whole one at night, as well.
Now I occasionally take a half during the day IF my spasticity is a huge problem. Sometimes a little spasticity helps.
I take colonapan at night.
My nouro says it's okay for me to take baclofen on occasional patterns. I don't like it either, yes loopy does occur. It's a trade off of what I want to achieve... mental clarity or control over hyper spasticity.
Maybe it's different for others.

Sggmcswain I had been taking 20mg. mid-morning and mid-afternoon since last August. Doc just ok'd an increase of 2-4 tabs a day on Tuesday, saying I should be able to handle 6 just fine, but just take 1 at bedtime and maybe another if I wake in the middle of the night. I had taken 6 during the day yesterday and took another 2 at 9:00pm.. Knocked me out cold! Hubby woke me at 11:00PM. I was sitting up in bed, tv on, head crooked over to one side! I will be more careful today and maybe set the alarm to take a tablet in the middle of the night. I wake up the last 4-5 mornings with extreme numbness/tingling going up my legs. It's been scary just trying to get up wondering if legs would support me. Still icky this am.
CalfeeChick and Good_enough I think you are onto something. Seems as I remember first taking 5 mg am & 5 mg pm I was taking Prozac. I stopped taking it and not really getting too much response from my doctor [I am on many, many different meds]. Anyway I am not taking Prozac anymore and am now taking Baclofen of 20 mg both am & pm with no side effects that I can tell.
@sggmcswain I take 30mg 3 times a day it took me a minute to adjust . I timed taking it when I know I can lay down after taking it but I also take tizanidine 4 times a day as well so just imagine what happens to me. My need to sleep happens more in the evening. Everyone knows from 2-5pm I’m sleeping
When I first started baclefen I had the same problem. It took sometime but I got use to it and it was worth putting up with the sleepy feeling. I have been on it for 8 years and never regret it.
hi, I'm taking Baclofen now 60 mg spread in 10 mg doses throughout day. 8-12-4-9(2)&1in the middle of the night when spasms wake me. Oh for a long acting Baclofen. Have this year added very lo dose tizantidine 1-2 mg three times a day. makes me too sleepy to take more tiz. so far its working relatively well but need exercise and stretching also or I'm in trouble. Its definitely a balancing act. Keep working at it till you feel like you've got some control over it!!!!!!
The problems I’ve had were I that my feet and legs swelled so much I could hardly walk. I got off of that medicine. Let me tell you that medicine didn’t help me at all.
Sggmcswain sggmcsI have been on 10 mg 1 morning and 1 at night for 6 months. It took me a few weeks to get over the sleepiness. I started with 1 at night and worked up to 2 a day. I think I need it upped because my spasms have gotten worse. I go back to the doc the 19th. We will see what is recommended. It has helped me alot.