On this Christmas, I have been thinking of all the things that I have, like joy and hope and the love of friends and family. I have nice clothes, a nice home and cars what more could I want? I want the greed, selfishness and unkindness in our world to stop. I cannot do this by myself but I can do this one little thing, give of myself.
This is the season of giving, so give part of yourself.
Give of yourself most of all! A smile, a kind word, a little wave, a helping hand. Watch the smiles!
Last Thursday we spent our time with Summer (my mentally and physically handicapped daughter) at a local mall. Summer and I went walking around, not looking for more things to buy, just stopping and saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone we passed. It was her idea! She waved to everyone and said " Merry Christmas" and everyone smiled back at her and most responded in kind. Some stopped and stared a moment, until they realized what she was saying, then they smiled, but they all smiled. We laughed and sang with Christmas carols playing in the stores and people sang with us.
So smile, say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or just hello but, give part of yourself, your happiness, your joy, your hope, your smile.
Merry Christmas everyone!ππππ