I'm new here and would like to say hello. I hope to connect, help, and learn from fellow MSers. I would like to introduce, my best friend, Doby. He is one of the best friends to come into my life. Hope you all are having a good weekend.
Hello!: I'm new here and would like to say... - My MSAA Community

Ambearholloway hi and welcome. I like your dog, it's amazing how much comfort we can get from them. Mine is a wonderful blessing. I hope you enjoy being a member of this forum, it's a lovely place to be either when your feeling happy or feeling blue. Everyone contributes in some way, and the wealth of information that you can glean from members here, is better than any google. It's a first hand experience no matter how big or small. Blessings Jimeka 🎄 👋

Hi Ambearholloway Welcome!😊 Hes a cutie
You have def. Come to the right place if your looking for all that!😀 We are all pretty friendly here!💕 So sorry for your new dx tho.😕 We are always here to listen to each other also!
Jes 🌠🎄
P.S. Love your name! I named my oldest Amber💕
Welcome to the group.
Welcome to the group. What kind of dog is Doby? Dogs do make the best of friends.
Ambearholloway , welcome to the group. That is a cute friend you have there.
Hello Ambearholloway really nice to meet u im also new was diagnosed last week and a half so still a bit stunned to say the least. I'm in the UK hope u are well and ok 😁🤶 love ur doggie aswell gorgeous xx
What a cutie pie!! Welcome.
Just look at those ears! Soooo cute. Welcome to you and your friend.
Welcome Amber. You came to an awesome place. I was dx in April so I’m still getting up to speed.
Amber is an awesome name. I have a granddaughter named Amber.again welcome.
God bless
Those ears!! So cute ❤️
I’m relatively new here as well. It’s a lovely community. I’ve learned so much already. Welcome!

Hi Ambearholloway A great big welcome to you and Doby. So glad you joined this group. I'm sorry I didn't see this post sooner. This forum has been wonderful. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free do join in. I was just diagnosed a little over a year ago. It is definitely a shock to hear the news. Finding a great neuroologist that specializes in MS is very important. There is allot of research and help available on the MSAA site. Again Welcome! Lynn