I have Medicare and Medicaid insurance. Does anyone know about Medicare and Medicaid insurance?? I need in home health care and help shopping and preparing food. Is there any help for me in the home??? I'm really confused and don't know what else to do. Please help me.
Medical insurance companies : I have... - My MSAA Community
Medical insurance companies

@doveflyfree I posted awhile ago to someone else to contact DHS (dept of human services) or the dept of aging
They can help with home care services.
I was able to get home care taker though DHS. I couldn’t get one though the dept of aging b/c I’m not old enough
Maybe try hospice care in your area and they can point you in the right direction.🤷🏼♂️ I will not be on Medicare till April, but they have contacted me and told me to call them March and they could help find out what help is out there and what’s free. Give it a try can’t hurt 😉👍🙏🙏❤️

doveflyfree I'm not sure if you have tried mymsaa.org yet? They might be able to help. No promises, as in not sure what obstacles you came up against before.😊
800 532-7667 ext. 154.
J 🌠🎄
Thank you very very much for the resource!!! I will try to call tomorrow morning. I'm praying for you as well as everyone on this site!!! I'm hardly able to walk today. I'm exhausted and cannot handle anything. I have relapsing MS and it's wearing me down financially physically and emotionally. My counselor said I have ptsd and I'm an emotional open wound. I'm very weak and struggling sooo much. I have to pay for assistive care right now and I literally can't afford it. I'm not sure what to do with my insurance situation and how to access help for myself. I'm lonely and God needs to show me the way. I'm overwhelmed!!! Thank you for listening to me.
doveflyfree we are always here to listen!💕 Or someone is around or will be soon!😊 Believe it or not, we have been there, will be there, or reading this now going through the same thing you are right now, looking for the same advice!
I hope today is a better day for you! And you take a minute to step back and just breath, and tell yourself, it will work out the way it's supposed to.
MrBigCat is right about the Dept of the aging. I always forget. I have MS remember😄😄😄
~Hugs n Luvs ~
J 🌠🎄
Here in Massachusetts I get help thru the Dept of Aging, which also includes people with disabilities. Perhaps your state has something similar. My helper is wonderful, she cleans, does laundry, and other tasks. Plus it's like having a friendly visitor too. I hope you find some help.
I believe you will need a letter from your doctor, along with an prescription from him
Yes there is help out there!
My MS Dr or family Dr sets that up for me. Then the home health will help you find the extra help needed.
Don't be afraid to ask. There is help out there!
Best wishes!
doveflyfree I hope at least one of these resources come through for you soon!
doveflyfree How are you doing?
I'm hanging on tight to my life!!! I'm devastated by MS and need help really bad. It's coming through my insurance companies and doctors sending referrals. I'm blessed but it takes 7 days. I can afford a lady tomorrow but on my own till next week!! I'm struggling with my MS and ptsd. My counselor said I am a open emotional wound right now. I'm hanging on for dear life!!! Reached out to my children and brother and sister!!! No words yet. It really hurts when no one cares about me!!!! Seriously!!!I'm sooo alone!!!
How are you feeling today?? We both suffer from cruel MS. I'm very very very sad about that!!!!
What about a local church ⛪ or the media station 🤷🏼♂️ Also if you have a Facebook page could be a good place. One of my friends broke her arm and needed help and found it that way 🤷🏼♂️👍 hang in there ❤️🙏 Ken