Hi all I want to let you know I had a wild Sunday we had a storm here in New England and the rain some places got 5 inches of rain some places the winds were up to 80 mph and I lost my power I was in my recliner chair and the batteries didn’t work then on top of that I cell phone didn’t work it was charged but I did not realize you have to shut down your phone about five minutes once a week so It can recharge. So with my husband working on his tree crew he wasn’t Home and then my son works at Logan airport he was at home well about 4 AM I lost the power and I couldn’t get out of my chair and on top of that my alarm I have you know the way you press I’ve fallen and I can’t get up it didn’t work so I can couldn’t call anyone and I had a wait for the power to come back on luckily for me it came back on in 45 minutes one little tidbit make sure you change your batteries often.When I told my son he went out and bought me batteries Here it is day four After the storm and there are some people who do not have power whole towns are shut down that’s pretty sad because some of them won’t get power till the end of the week and let me tell you the temperature is l 37°F what I got out of all this be thankful for heat, make sure to power different your cell phones and make sure you change your batteries in your electric recliner.
Oh make sure you have some one check on you if the power goes out.
Remember too change your clocks this weekend.