Need some input please. I need a sturdier cane. Saw a man at BA using a really cool one with 2 gables one to pull yourself. It had 4 kegs and I wa already to order it. Today two women said the 4 legged canes made them even more unbalanced. Anyone having success with stand alone 4 feet cane?
Canes: Need some input please. I need a... - My MSAA Community
agapepilgrim i personally cannot get on with them, I found it hard trying to put all 4 ends on the floor at once, made me feel more unstable and not very good for uneven ground. Best thing is try one out in a shop. Let us know how you get on, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🤗 🍫
agapepilgrim , I have since graduated to a walker, but I did use a four legged cane for awhile. It was nice and sturdy but a bit bulky. I tended to trip on it. I used a three prong one too. It wasn't as sturdy but I didn't trip on it. I think you can get the base and put it on a regular cane. Good luck.
I only use a cane on short moves I usually I use a rollator. Now about a cane mine is just a silver one the part I put my hand on is cushion, and the hand part is a hook which is easier to hold and if you have to put it down it is easier to Have it hooked on something like a chair.
Oh another thing be aware the screw part does come loose just tighten it
agapepilgrim I bought my cane on of course Amazon😀 . Then I got this little foot thing called Hugo for it. It works great! It stands up straight on its own. And helps me with my balance, and I don't trip over it.
I will take a pic for you and post, but I need light and it's only 730 am😆😅
J 🌠
@jesmcd2 thanks. I so want to keep walking!!! I have this strong desire to try to go to walking trails in these words again, and just try to walk a liittle bit. Read this article about The Nature Cure by Florence Williams, and how electrodes attached to the volunteers brain actually showed calmer frontal theta waves when in the words, and the prefrontal cortex showing rest and recover, like an overused muscle. I so need this, if I can only get to a hiking trail, and have a sturdy cane, and push myself to get there no matter how slow I must walk. This was one of my passionate hobbies, (both of us) before I became debilitated and didn't have the strength or energy. I will begin my looking for one small trail to walk. There are over 1,000 trails in KY - surely I can find one close by that I can visit once a week. Probably need to carry my portable campstool from backpacking days, but that is my NEW GOAL.
I, too, am using the Hugo Quadpod Offset cane. You can order one from Walmart or Amazon. They are only about $25 and it doesn't tip over easily. You can also swivel the Quad tip to go vertical or horizontal depending on your gait. It came horizontal but easily turned vertical with a small screw on the bottom. You can see them on their website at They also talk about MS on their website and the use of the cane. Hope this helps.
@punterstein you are the first positive response for the quad cane. I do need to go somewhere and try walking with them. I am so tired of forgetting my cane because I hung it on a chair, etc.. I hope one works for me.
Have you considered a fore arm crutch? My physical therapist suggested this for better stability. I love mine...I got the carbon fiber one.
agapepilgrim i have had good results using a Hurrycane. I got it from Amazon. The folding one with the T handle didn’t work well for me. The handle caused problems with my hand. I had tried a 4 prong cane and found it a bit cumbersome and heavy. Good luck and I hope you find the best cane for your needs.
agapepilgrim , My husband came home from the 99cent store with a new cane for me - he paid $7.99 for it. It is called "Get Up an Go" and in addition to your cane handle, it has a lower one to put your weight on it when trying to stand up plus it has 4 feet and stands alone. The best cane I have every had! Well worth giving it a try!
SueAB yes, that is exactly the one I have decided on, but cheapest I can find is $28, WE don't have a 99cent store in our time. Will check out on the internet. Thanks