Hello. Nice to meet you everyone! I was diagnosed in 2003. However physically and mentally , starting from last a couple of years I just couldn't take anything anymore. I had big embarrassing and scary episodes both at home and in public due to my physical and mental issues. My region has also expanded to spine a little (one region is the sever one) but I've been doing OK for for now.
I walk funny. I took Botox twice. First time my left wrist numb and I couldn't write letters properly. Second time I've been having pain on my left collarbone. I had been Yoga and Cardio at home but I've not been able to do it since then.
Another thing is my twitching. Starting from last two years I started twitching due to my meditation or my MS symptom. (My doctor didn't give me a certain answer.) I just started taking a couple weeks ago medicine Tetrabenazin for the treatment of my involuntarily movement. For example It is not fun to keep moving involuntarily while sitting at the meeting I enjoy being there.
I was wondering if you could share your experience. Thank you for reading my post and have a nice week!