IM SO HAPPY I GOT MY COOLING VEST TODAY!!!!!!! now I can do a little work in my garden. my grandbaby is going to love it as well I can take her outside to ride her minny truck!!! its amazing what how something so little can cause this much joy. thanks be to God and the MSSA

I meant the msaa
I am happy 😊 For you don't forget the sunscreen for the two of yout🌞
Have fun!
Wonderful news! Enjoy your new found liberty and that grandchild!
Yay There is little that can't be accomplished with some planning now !
God bless you with much enjoyment from it as you put the vest to the test of summer and daily life !
Redmann44, it's Fancy1959. I got a cooling vest two years ago freeze through a promotion done from the manufacturer. Since then the best has pretty much lived in my deep freezer. I stay out of intense heat for the most part but don't think grab it or I'm not terribly affected for what I do do outside on warm days. I am so glad that you've got one and are using it. I hope it continues to help you and you get to enjoy many many hours outside during the hot summer months. God is indeed good! And the MSAA is a lifesaver!
Welcome to the club!!!!🎉I'm so excited for you 😁
Yippee! I love mine.
What kind of cooling vest have you all got and what sizes are they, thank you 😊
jimeka Mine is From Polar and uses Koolmax or the Cool58 phase change packs. I bought a medium one and the side and shoulder straps are adjustable, so there's plenty of room for me and baby belly. Here's a link to it:
It must be nice to have a cooling vest. I've been told I don't qualify for help getting one. Msaa denied me.
Enjoy yours !!!
Momjules I'm sorry to hear that. Polar has a letter of need your MD can sign and submit to insurance for reimbursement, if you can front the cost. If not, there's always the GoFundMe option on social media! I would share your fundraiser for sure 😁
Please feel free to reach out to our Helpline again, Momjules , for more explanation:
(800) 532-7667 ext. 154 or
Sometimes if someone is not able to get a cooling vest based on the eligibility criteria required, MSAA can put that person in touch with the manufacturers directly who may be able to work with you on obtaining one at a discounted price from them.
- John, MSAA
I got mine from Polar Products , I got a ladies large vest that zips in front , I had one with the straps... it was too confusing for me to use, this is so easy just load the pockets with the ice packets from the freezer and zip it up and go.
Thank you I will check it out
I was impressed, I bought mine with our credit card it was not too costly I was pleased as this is not a frivolous item and can be used over and over .
I am from the uk so I have to look into it yet. They are not available over here yet
Good idea as I'd think maybe they can mail it ?
Just checked it out and it costs nearly as much to mail it as it does to buy it.
Thank you so very much!
I'm sure there are people worse than me.
I'll just stay in the house with the ac.
You made my day by replying and thinking of me!!