My MS has caused me to have foot drop on the right leg. I've had it for years and have managed it with with AFO braces. Now I'm experiencing quite a bit of pain in my right knee because I "lock" my knee when standing and walking. Has anyone else had pain from a hyperextended knee due to MS mobility issues? How did you manage and treatthe issue?
Knee hyperextended: My MS has caused me to... - My MSAA Community
Knee hyperextended

KarenUSA , oh my gosh, yes. My right knee has overextended since I was a teen, and as my mobility declined, the knee has gotten worse. I have both an AFO and a brace called a Swedish knee cage to support the knee and keep it from hyperextending any more. It's clunky, but without the support it's exceptionally painful.
I have a baclofen pump to manage my spasticity, but I need some of that tone to stand and make transfers.
We have a similar disease course. I too have a baclofen pump and it helps with spasticity. The knee cage I wear is also clunky. But, it does help the knee pain. I wear it on top of my clothes and it is so "visible" I get many offers of help to hold doors, etc. I'm going to persue a device called a KAFO. (Knee ankle foot orthotic). My doctor suggested it earlier but I wasn't ready for such a contraption. Since the pain from hyperextending my knee is so much worse, the KAFO may be the best option. Maybe it will be easier to wear than strapping on 2 devices.
My physical therapist suggested a KAFO also, but the orthotist felt it was overkill. I'm not dealing with a lot of pain, so we decided not to pursue it further at this time.
I get asked all the time about my 'injury' and when I 'll be out of the brace. Haha. Since I use a wheelchair, I take the brace off in some situations, so I don't have to explain it. 😕
Yes, I also have. But I can't offer anything for handling because I need info also. Good luck!