Hello everyone it's Fancy1959. For everyone in the chat rooms to understand what a blessing it is to be part of this extended family I am writing a post about the top 10 reasons becoming a member of our chat room is a life changing experience for people diagnosed with MS. . For those of you who I haven't mentioned it to yet I have gotten permission from the National MS Society to promote our MSAA chat room at the Central Kentucky MS Walk on April 1st. So, I'm putting this post together to display at the MS Walk. I would love to have input and if you've got a reason you think is better than my top 10, please chime in so I can correct it to make the best possible poster with the top 10 reason to join our MSASA chat room at the MS Walk. So here are the top ten reasons I can come up with.
Top 10 reasons for joining are extended family at the MSAA National chat room.
1. Become part of our extended family and network with literally hundreds of other people with MS.
2. Be part of a safe place with caring, compassionate, and kind individuals where you can ask questions, voice your concerns, and seek information from those facing the same challenges you are.
3. Get the latest updates on research as it relates to MS.
4. Receive information about the latest clinical trials and new drugs that are currently in the process of being approved by the FDAA.
5. Share in the humor we often seek out to lighten the mood and make ourself laugh about the good times and forget about the challenges we face if even for a few minutes.
6. Being able to find out about resources that you never knew existed.
7. Having shoulders to cry on when times get tough.
8. Gaining back the feeling of respect and being able to help others in their time of need really boost your morale and makes you feel less like a handicapped individual and more like a productive member of society. Something many of us thought we would like never feel again.
9. Being part of a chat room that seeks out all individuals affected by MS. Caregivers and loved ones who often feel left out but play the such an important role in MS. Younger generation of twenty and thirty year olds who are facing MS and know not where to turn. We network and try to get them to talk to one another to know there are others in their same shoes fighting this dreaded disease. In attempt to make sure that the chat room is represented by both male and female patients facing the challenges of MS. All the above individuals have unique insight to offer that is beneficial to all MS patients.
10. Realize that "Together we are stronger".
Share your ideas and will update it as necessary. Thanks for any and all input.