Yesterday i was in a car accident. No one was hurt. Only my poor car. which i only had Liability onπ£. I was just driving down the road.. the cars in front of me were stopped so i was slowing down.. then its like i got distracted looking out the right side window and all of a sudden I'm slammed into the back of a car.. it all happened so fast. I feel like im losing my mind!! I cant concentrate.. i cant focus.. APPARENTLY not even while im driving. πππ It scares the hell out of me!! And no one understands... i just feel helpless and lost at this point. Everyone just keeps asking me.. are you sure you weren't on your phone? NO!!! I just want to stop driving all together. But im only 25!!!!! π¦ wahhhhhhhh...π’
Literally Heartbroken..: Yesterday i was... - My MSAA Community
Literally Heartbroken..

Thank God you are ok. I have just about stopped driving now but I am 60. I am so sorry . Maybe it's just a short lived phase you are going through of ms, so don't give up hope yet, maybe in a month it will all be behind you, keep us posted, blessings Jimeka
Could you possibly be relapsing? If this concentration problem is relatively new you might want to contact your doc. I'm so glad you're okay and I understand your fear and frustration! Good luck!
So sorry you were in that accident and lost your car, but glad that you were not injured. I have lived WELL with MS for 30 years and I will give you a little hint. Never let your guard down. We need to make ourselves be more observant whether it is driving, turning off stoves, turning off lights, locking the car, etc. Slow down and take your time and always double check. You CAN do this!
Sorry you were in an accident β€οΈ take care of yourself
Hi I'm so happy that you are ok and I kinda know what u are going through i was 25 when I was diagnosed with MS and I was already on a lot of meds due to chronic pain I was fine with driving for about 3 more years and then I just started to get into fender benders almost once a month I was lucky that I was always alone so no one I cared for was ever hurt and neither were the drivers of the other cars but like I said I was very lucky because at the time I started having the accidents I was the nanny for 2 beautiful girls and it hurts me to think about what could have happened π’ Now my license is revoked and I have to take both the written and driving test in able to drive again and now that I see my mistakes in hindsight I have this terrible fear that If my luck my run out just once I could hurt someone. I know how much it sucks not to be able to just go out whenever I want. I guess I'm telling u this so hopefully u won't make the same mistakes I did
Hope u r ok!
A few months ago, I was having great difficulty with driving. Distractions and difficulty with processing in coming information (traffic etc)
I decreased my driving to known, nearby routes.
Now feel like things improved. So hopefully this is a transient thing for u to.
At the time I was told to go to a OT driving testing center where they can assess my driving and also give me suggestions on safety. Perhaps this is an option for u? By the way I did not go. Feared they'd say I couldn't drive anymore.
Best wishes with this!
Glad you are ok and was not hurt. Sounds like you might be having a relapse. Maybe you should see your neurologist. I have almost stopped driving, I only drive when absolutely necessary due to my MS. Hope everything works out for you.

Jvmepm l read this yesterday, and my first thought was thank God you are OK and no one was injured. Then l needed time to think on how to answer you. Because, bottom line, my answer is, you need to stay off the road right now.
You are driving impaired, and putting yourself and others at risk. Including my grandchildren. As brutal as that sounds it's the truth. And l would much rather have you live and ticked anyday of the wk.π
Please be careful ~hugs~
I quit driving about 2 years ago when I was 68. You lose independence but for me it was better than an accident. You are young. Check with your Neuro. And make sure you didn't have some stealth neurological damage from the accident.
Glad you nor anyone else was hurt. Like some others said, maybe stay off the road while you and your doctor try to determine if it is the MS or meds. You would not be able to live with yourself if an accident took the life of another person, or seriously injured someone.
I am almost 34 and I'm thankful that you were not hurt. I really really feel for you. My in-laws will notice on the days when I'm struggling and tell me point-blank that I'm not driving and they will drive me or whatever. And that helps me with my self-analysis because really no one wants to believe that we "can't" or we "shouldn't." But the reality is there is so much risk to yourself and others behind a 1000 pound vehicle. Yes I still drive, but only short distances and yes it sucks!!! Others will drive me longer distances and when I do drive it's only in the first half of my day. I've had to become more aware of feeling tired and what that means in terms of driving. Like the others said, I would assess whether this is your new reality or whether it's just this time frame and maybe an exacerbation.
Hi. I wanted to reply in understanding about only driving in the first half of the day. Fatigue gets so bad in late afternoons that I can hardly concentrate on anything. I schedule all my appointments in the mornings or VERY early afternoon. I don't know if your accident, Jvmepm, had anything to do with afternoon brain fatigue or not. I just thought I'd add this.
Thank you everyone.. i havent driven since the accident, and i dont plan on driving for awhile. I see my neuro next Wednesday, and will definitely bring it up. Its a harsh reality, and reading some of your comments made me cry. But being safe is way more important. Im just so happy i feel understood here. Thank you all again.
I am 46 and last year i started having issues driving. I wud be in the middle of a highway and suddenly dont know how i got there - as in how and when did i get in the car and why am i on the road? Luckily i live in a tiny town with not much traffic.
I have pretty much stopped driving but wen i do drive - i take Nuvigil. It helps me to focus threw the Cog Fog
Maybe ask ur doctor abot something that cud help.
Stay safe and glad no one was hurt π
I'm so sorry about your accident. So many of us can empathize with both the fear of an accident and the fear of losing independence. I remember driving to my doctor's office when the numbness and tingling started. I knew I was dealing with pretty severe fatigue, but hadn't really been aware of the brain fog until then. I was afraid the entire way there (about a 45 mile drive one way), and again on the way back. I was never so glad to get home! I couldn't process incoming information or stimuli. I decided I wouldn't drive until I felt clear again. I'd rather not have my license taken away, but just be responsible and not drive if there is even a smidgen of fog. I'm back to driving now, but could not have lived with myself had I hurt someone.
Hang in there and see if the fog lifts before completely surrendering your license, but I'm sure you'll use good judgement while you feel any fog at all.
Stay safe!
It it be alright Jvmepm, you are probably having a relapse. Our short term memorya hort circuits and you just "space" for a second or two. It's really frustrating...I know. Give yourself time and don't give up. We all understand, others may not. Especially with you being young they can't sew you being sick. I'm 44 and I still get people that ask me dumb questions. You'll be alright Hun π
I can't add much more to what everyone else has said. Jvmepm . Just thankful you are ok, and everyone else, too. Being aware of how easily you are distracted is the first step. I keep that in mind at all times and don't drive on those days when my head feels whoozy. Hang in there. π