Will you consider to see medical herbalist about your skin condition?
Does western herbal medicine help your skin condit... - MY SKIN
Does western herbal medicine help your skin condition?

I have tried alternative therapies in the past for skin problems, but never had any positive results. I've always had to resort back to prescription treatment. I would however consider seeing a medical herbalist, if the treatment could manage my skin problem long term as I dislike using antibiotics.
Western Herbal Medicine is good for chronic skin problem. Medical Herbalist would prescribe cream for it, and this can use for long time. Medical Herbalist in the UK can diagnosis (nimh.org.uk/), therefore, I consider seeing a Medical Herbalist would be great for chronic skin problems, esp that I have seen many patients with skin problem has positive results from Western Herbal Medicine.
In 1993 I saw a lovely kind Chinese doctor who examined my eczema, asked the usual questions and prescribed me with all sorts of herbs that were to be boiled in hot water. I had 6 sessions at £35.00 a time. When boiling the herbs, the whole house smelt of rotting cabbage. I then had to strain the juice off and drink it. It tasted disgusting but I stuck with it for a period of 3 months. The doctor advised that the treatment could not be used any longer than this time as it can cause kidney troubles. The doctor was wonderful but I don't really feel that it made any difference. I know we are all different and our bodies react differently but for me, personally, it did not help........and I was £210.00 down
Western Herbal Medicine is different from Traditional Chinese Medicine. What you describe there is 'Traditional Chinese Medicine'. In Western Herbal Medicine would prescribe cream, tincture, or herbal tea for skin condition.
I have treated my own skin condition and other using Western Herbal Medicine (via cream) and it help
Normally, you won't stuck with same herbal prescription for 3 months! Why didn't the Chinese doctor change the prescription?
Don't confuse with Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Herbal Medicine, because they are different.
I can send you sample of nano technology 100% herbal essential oil. Users
experienced cessation of itch and skin ulcers dry up within 24 hours. However, I couldn't answer whether it is long term cure and there will be no relapse and the mark or scars on your skin will take a long time for it to fade away unless your skin disease is not very serious.