Dear Sirs, I had Bullous Pemphigoid 2 years ago, which has now cleared up except it has left me with very itchy pink spots in various places on my body, which don't go away, but which I manage to relieve with various skin creams. Can anyone help me about whether this condition is connected with diet or not
Is there a link between skin problems and diet? - MY SKIN
Is there a link between skin problems and diet?

Lots of skin conditions seem to be a bit affected by diet but the evidence is generally anecdotal rather than double blind controlled trial standard!
A bit of quick research on the internet shows that this is an auto-immune disease. The cutting-edge discovery is that auto-immune diseases often originate in the gut. I suggest you try reading 'The Immune System Recovery Plan' by Dr Susan Blum, and put her recommendations into practice as far as possible. In the meantime, cutting out gluten completely may bring some relief.
Hello John, Bullous Pemphigoid is an auto immune disease and from what you have said, it sounds as though you are in remission. I have something called Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid, which is the same family but a different disease.
Did your Dermatologist give you some steroid cream/ointment to use on your itchy lesions? Perhaps you could ask for some, your GP should be able to give you some.
As for diet, as far as I have ever heard, diet makes no difference.

Thanks. I had Bullous Pemphigoid 2 years ago, which gradually disappeared and am on 5 mg prednisolone to keep it under control and anti itch cream to use as well. However it has left me with sometimes very itchy eruptions on my skin, which can occur in different parts of the body. As this is an autoimmune disease, and there are other autoimmune diseases inside that can affect your intestines, I am really concerned to find out what is the root cause of this autoimmune condition. Is it the food that contains gluten, bad bacteria, or where does it come from?
I did a little research and found this lupus site which might point you in the right direction but you could end up going round and round in circles!
I know that some prescribed drugs can trigger some autoimmune diseases.