Hi, on a daily basis I was and exfoliate and moisturise my face, brows included. By lunchtime, my eyebrows are dry and I can rub them and see cells coming off. To look at them in the mirror, it looks a bit like dry sweat (more salty than dry skin flakes). Amy ideas how to treat/prevent? I thought it was just normal until 1 person mentioned it... Now am a bit self-conscious of it. TIA xx
Dry eyebrows: Hi, on a daily basis I was and... - MY SKIN
Dry eyebrows

Yes .. My husband has Parkinsons which affects the skin like that . It's sort of greasy yet dry . His eyelashes and eye brows head and ears . Even dry patches on temples .
The GP told me to buy head and shoulders shampoo , I thought it might be too strong for his skin .
It wasn't I only use it now and then but I did find it good . I also use maybe just weekly betnovate on his forehead eyebrows and temple area , . Only a very small amount though on the face.
Hi CabbageCottage
Yes, know the feeling.
Skin requires moisture! So, just try a little olive oil on the affected areas and see what happens. Best to do so at night.
Head and Shoulders shampoo - well, I was told to use Nizarol for my head and face because of my skin condition. Never again. Far too drying for the skin.
Hi AmyShowcase
It sounds as though you are exfoliating too much!! You should not exfoliate more than once a week and from your description, your eyebrows have become sensitive to what it is you have been doing.
Leave the exfoliation off for a while and see what happens.
Before you go to bed at night, just wipe a tiny amount of ..... olive oil on the eye brows.
See what happens.

I didn't use the head and shoulders everytime . Maybe once a week or as necessarily .
It's a sort of dermatitis symptom , both dry and greasy at the same time . I do use use baby oil or olive oil as well ,on any broken skin it use a spit of sudacreme . Gas suits John .
Hi Cabbagecottage and Gayle, thank you for your help.
I've been googling some more and it looks likely that I have a mild form of hyperhydriosis meaning I am sweating more than I should. The pores are staying open and seeping sweat for longer than they should. I'm testing some Toning methods to try to close them up, one being small strips of foil stored in the fridge until I need them. Applying them locally for a short while closes the pores. We shall see.
Thanks again. Xx