`Relaxation' is a therapy which aims to release tension and produce a state of deep rest and relaxation.
Our Research and Information team produce information sheets on a range of therapies, all available on-line, the most popular sheet is `Relaxation'.
"A review (1) of studies concluded that relaxation therapy should be given as routine for cancer patients undergoing medical treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplants), as it aided the reduction of nausea, pain anxiety, depression and high blood pressure." Click here to download the sheet pennybrohncancercare.org/re...
Have you tried Relaxation therapy? Is it something you are involved in? What was your experience like? Would you recommend it to others?
(1) `Luebbert K, Dahme B, Hasenbring M. The effectiveness of relaxation training in reducing
treatment-related symptoms and improving emotional adjustment in acute non-surgical
cancer treatment: a meta-analytical review. Psycho-oncology, 2001; 10 (6): 490-502.’