I have just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. My mum died of cervical cancer when I was 15, mum was 40, the same age I am now. I never ever thought I would truly be unlucky enough to have the same disease at the same age as mum. I always worried but if I'm honest, I didn't think life could be that cruel. Saying that, I'm not going to die from this. There is no way I'm letting my children and husband go through what I went through.
I have been bleeding after intercourse for 2-3 months and have had a horrible discharge that feels as though it is flooding from me. I went to the doctors at the end of March and she took a swab, which came back clear. She told me to go for a smear in the middle of my cycle, which I did on 15th April. My smear result came back as High Grade Dyskaryosis. I went to see a gynaecologist on 26th April. He saw a lump on my cervix and took a biopsy. I received the result of the biopsy on the following Tuesday. I was told that I had a tumour, which is relatively small, central on my cervix and growing out wards, not inwards. This is all good news...if you're going to have a tumour at all, this is one of the better ones to have :-).
I had told my gynaecologist that I urinate often...he decided to do a cystoscope that Friday to look at my bladder. He found I had interstitial cystitis, which would explain my need to wee a lot. He is going to treat that after everything else has been sorted.
I had an MRI last Saturday with dye injected into my blood during the MRI. This will highlight the tumour in my body. This will also ascertain if my tumour s contained in one place or if it has spread.
On Wednesday of this week I saw a different gynaecologist, as the one I saw previously isn't covered to operate on me from his hospital....some insurance cover policies can be funny, so I have been referred to a different hospital where I am covered. This Dr was very nice, just not so 'soft' as the other chap. He examined me and also told me my tumour is Grade 3 aggressive. Something that shocked me to the core. Now, I'm really scared and desperate for the MRI results to see if it has spread and keen to have the treatment to remove this nasty thing from my body. The radiologist is on holiday and will be able to look at my MRI on Saturday....that's tomorrow...
I had my pre admission at the hospital today. All being well, if it is contained in one place, I will have a Radical Hysterectomy on Thursday evening. They will save my ovaries if they can, otherwise I will go into immediate menopause. I need to get more information on this before Thursday....anyone have any advice on this? I'm tempted to have it all taken away...what if I get ovarian cancer? It's hard to recognise and I can't risk that getting to me... If they leave my ovaries, is there screening to check whether it rears its ugly head again? What's early menopause like?
I'm trying so hard to stay brave as I have a 7 year old and 9 year old and I can't let them see me sad or know about what I have. They know about my mum and they would worry themselves silly. I feel as though I'm having an out of body experience and I'm not really here, going through this...it's just my body and I'm detached from it all. In truth, I'm scared to death and want to scream and shout.
I have a wonderful husband and really loving family who will help me through this so I'm lucky. I just hope and pray I will receive good news from the MRI. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me x
L x