I was diagnosed in 2021 with ataxia and recently with dysautonomia and autonomic neuropathy in feet and hands…one cold hand that freezes fast…..considering where I live. 😀 Toes and balls of both feet numb most of the time. No diabetes. Still driving. Pretty good mobility and no falls to speak of.
Had an MRI in January because one half of my tongue has been swollen for over 4 months and still radiates pain to my lower jaw and sometimes ear. I’m concerned about what it’s leading to. Images showed nothing abnormal in the tongue but lesions were seen in the Basal Ganglia bilaterally. I always knew they were missing something because three MRI’s I’ve had, 2 brain, were done without contrast and because my health deterioration has been without answers since 2016.
I just moved to Alberta, Canada….and a new GP practitioner said there is no use for me to see a neurologist. A Neuro referred me to the autonomic clinic but is in a different province.
Being single with no family around and 73 y.o., I’m having a hard time dealing with all of this, esp. dysautonomia. Had syncope once and many symptoms of MSA but not sure how to proceed in getting answers. My mind isn’t what it used to be that’s for sure.
Grateful for anything you can add that might help.
I’m in Canada (-30 C this week) 🥶