Although I really would benefit from going to bed (yes it's only 9.55) as I'm tired out...again......I really wanted to know if anyone has suffered any side effects from Clopidogrel? I have been on aspirin (with regular 2 monthly venesections) but that seems to aggravate my breathing (I have allergic asthma) so my consultant switches me back to Clopidogrel. This has happened twice over the past 12 years but, unless it's in my head, I itch at base of my spine, my scalp, my shins and around my waist. I also get dizzy spells but nothing major. It's the aching joints (hands, knees, hips, feet) that I findare really debilitating. Anyone else get anything similar as I'm going to mention these irritating things at my next consultation?
Wow! Reading through the Q & A make me feel qui... - MPN Voice
Wow! Reading through the Q & A make me feel quite NORMAL this evening! My question now is about Clopidogrel....
Hi Polly, I was switched from aspirin to clopidogrel after a stomach bleed 12 months ago. I get no side effects at all. I have had PRV for 7 years and survive on Clopedogrel and venesections. I don't shower as this makes me itch, but baths are ok. I work full time and am often in bed by 9.30! Other than this I think I do pretty well. I agree with you, reading some of the comments on the site make me feel quite normal, long may it continue.
My husband was taken off aspirin after amajor stomach bleed. His pv itching came back with a vengeance so piriton seemed to help. He was also taken off hydroxy as he had cellulitis continually and it was a trial which did not help. He is back on hydroxy now and gradually the itching is reducing. He had itchy skin before being diagnosed with PV as well. Try the antihistamine half hour before bed it did help him. I still think to this day the aspirin controlled the itch. Hope you feel better soon.