Hi I was wondering if any of you know if you have bad pain in you knee and all I am on at the moment is aspine until I have bone marrow but am in hospital at the moment is there anything I should ask for the pain
Pain in knee: Hi I was wondering if any of you... - MPN Voice
Pain in knee

I have had significant pain in the knees due to deterioration of the joints and osteoarthritis. While the knee pain is not caused by the MPN, the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines can make the pain worse.
I manage the knee pain using several different approaches. Curcumin is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. L-Glutathione or N-acetylcysteine can also help. Note that these supplements are complimentary health interventions. Not all doctors are familiar or comfortable with them,. It is best to seek expert consultation from an Integrative of Functional medicine doctor. These agents are biologically active and can interact with medications.
The other thing I do for the knee pain is hyaluronic acid injections. This requires a proper diagnosis of the knee pain, usually X-rays. This is in the scope of practice for an orthopedist, preferably one who specializes in knee issues. These injections make a huge difference in both pain and functions.
Wishing you success moving forward.
I read on drugs.com that curcumin can interact with the low dose aspirin I am taking causing excessive bleeding. Do you have anything you can share on that? Also, I was wondering why someone with pv with a normal platelet count would need to keep taking aspirin for the rest of their lives, so I looked online for an answer.I read that pv causes an excessive production of a substance called thromboxane which can cause a higher risk of thrombosis. So aspirin counteracts that.
There can be a slightly increased risk of hemorrhage when taking aspirin and curcumin, so you will see the warning from some sources. I have not encountered any issues with combining curcumin and aspirin. The interaction between curcumin and aspirin is much less than the interaction with other anti-inflammatory agents like NSAIDs, which my doctors have prescribed for me at higher doses while on aspirin. Moreover, I have found that curcumin works better than prescription strength NSAIDs fir inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis.
Like all the treatment decisions we make, we have to do a risk-benefit analysis. Do the benefits of curcumin justify the risks? Will the reduction in pain and inflammation be worth it? How much do you value the improvement in functions and quality of life? What are you will9ng to risk to meet your treatment goals? What are thee risks of not treating the inflammation? Note that untreated chronic inflammation can have significant adverse effects including progression, secondary cancers, pain, and decreased quality of life.
There is no question that curcumin plays an important role in managing PV and other medical issues. I have not had any adverse effects and significant benefit. Note that my reaction does not predict yours. We all react differently to the various treatment options. Note also that I consult with an Integrative medicine doctor about the use of curcumin and other complimentary health interventions. I also let my MPN care team know what I am doing and why. The MPN Specialist is fine with adding curcumin to myu treatment array. Suggest you consult with a knowledgeable medical provider about your case for the best feedback. Integrative or Functional Medicine doctors are often the best choice for this expertise.
You are correct that we need to continue to take aspirin when our erythrocytosis is under control. There is more to the risk of thrombosis than the risk increase from hyperviscosity. the risk of thrombosis is multi-determined. Thromboxane is one element. there are other increased risk factors too. The bottom line os that blood cells behave differently due to the MPN. It is not just about numbers.
Wishing you all the best.
hi I have had Et for 8 years only on aspirin at the moment but yes have had an arthroscopy on both my knees having constant pain and also get hip pain and burning feet 😀
I have had severe knee pain recently, especially standing up, sitting down and walking up stairs. I found that exercising the legs at home using a mini stepper machine and adjustable step risers (available on Amazon) for a few minutes a day has helped reduce the knee pain and the stiffness in my legs.It is definitely due to arthritis, not to the drugs I am taking for pv.
Hi I have E.T and I have pains in knees also. I have discovered 2 bakers cysts and I have some swelling on one knee. I am definitely getting more pains now. My Dr thinks it is start of rheumatoid arthritis.