I was diagnosed with essential thrombosis in 2019. I had a bloody Marrow biopsy. And came back positive for the Jack2 mutation. My platelet count has been hovering in the high 300s, 390 was my last count however, I’m having such bad symptoms such as hand and feet, swelling, itchy, skin, fatigue, and my hand, my right side and my foot on my right side are swollen and they keep falling asleep.
I went to my doctor and told her about my symptoms and that I’m in a lot of pain, especially at night. She told me that none of my symptoms have anything to do with my ET and that ET has no symptoms. .
she told me that none of my symptoms are connected to my in central thrombosis however, whenever I look up symptoms, it says that my itchy skin and my swelling and my hand, falling asleep and my foot, falling asleep and being swollenp are all related to my essential frontalis. Do you think I should see another doctor? It’s just seems like she spends 10 minutes with me. Check my spleen and says I’m fine yet. I have all these bizarre symptoms. I’m very confused. I would love some advice I guess maybe I should see another doctor, she she supposed to be leading doctors for MPs