Thank you for the previous tips. I tried them but still had an angry (larger!) reaction this week, but it went down much rapidly and hasn’t itched or bruised much. Progress!
Sorry for so many questions for a relatively trivial thing but please may I ask
- do you put the needle in part way or right up to the plastic tube (would a shallower injection would make any difference?)
- some of you (and the leaflet) say to inject at 45 degree angle, but the nurse has clearly told me 90 degrees more than once. Any advice re why one over the other?
Afterwards I spoke to the (general haematology) nurse and she suggested siting it lower (below belly button line) and use aloe Vera afterwards (which helped - I also used cooling (not frozen) pack following some of your comments, thank you). She confirmed to get rid of the wasted bit first as it helps to remove any air and to do this onto tissue discarded in the sharps bin.
I have a Consultant follow up call fairly soon so will ask (am hoping to see the mpn specialist soon as well) but your experiences are always educational! I’m starting to feel generally better I think so it’s worth a bit of localised reaction.
Thank you. Have a good rest of weekend.